Brit Hume Doesn’t Think Biden Will Serve Full Term in Office: He’s ‘Clearly Deteriorating’ and ‘Senile’ – IOTW Report

Brit Hume Doesn’t Think Biden Will Serve Full Term in Office: He’s ‘Clearly Deteriorating’ and ‘Senile’

MSN – Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume thinks there’s a significant chance President Joe Biden doesn’t run for reelection, even suggesting he doesn’t finish his current four-year term.

On Special Report Monday night, Bret Baier asked Hume about the White House confirming President Biden intends to run for reelection in 2024.

“I don’t think it’s at all clear that he intends to run again, but I do think as a political matter, you have to say that,” Hume remarked.

The instant he makes that announcement, Hume argued, Biden becomes a lame duck — “and lame duck presidents don’t do well.”

He went on to say it’s not close to certain the president would in fact run again or “be in any condition to.” more

14 Comments on Brit Hume Doesn’t Think Biden Will Serve Full Term in Office: He’s ‘Clearly Deteriorating’ and ‘Senile’

  1. I’ve been saying that he wouldn’t finish his term since the day he stole it in November last year. In fact, my prediction was that he he wouldn’t make it past this year. Of course, that was befo the Ho revealed herself to be an even less competent and less liked alternative. She’s the only reason that he is still in office right now.

  2. Why do you think the House of Reps is looking into confirming a new VP (allegedly)? Many probably want to do that before Joey gets institutionalized so Kamalaka Ding Dong doesn’t get more than her 38 minutes of leadership

  3. “Trey Gowdy did not make any similar pronouncements on the president’s health, telling Baier, ‘I have no idea about the president’s cognitive abilities. That’s not my background.’”

    Trey, we know exactly what your background is. It’s making a lot of noise about winning a battle you have no intention of really fighting. Drop dead.

  4. @Brown Eyed Girl

    There are lots of Word Warriors in Congress right now, giving lip service to conservative values. It’s all talk, no Cowboy Hat.

    We can hope some of them turn out to be something other than a Trey Gowdy.

  5. The progressive elites know Xiden is demented and a prop to get their communist agendas implemented with help of a Demwit ruled Congress. It was of course, “The Plan”.

    However, Hume is among the few progs who sees future payback for leftist global scorched Earth destruction.
    Four more years of the real U.S. President, Mr. Trump is right around the corner. When retored to office, President Trump is guaranteed to repair the damage Xiden and CCP have caused.

    Hume, and some of his fellow liberal political prognosticators are scared witless of a red (conservative) typhoon in 2022 and 2024. As well they should be.


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