Brit Hume exposes Jan 6 panel Republicans, citing Pentagon memo proving Trump wanted ‘safe event’ – IOTW Report

Brit Hume exposes Jan 6 panel Republicans, citing Pentagon memo proving Trump wanted ‘safe event’

BPR: Despite the hyper-partisan efforts of the Jan. 6 committee hearings and their predetermined objective of recommending criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, evidence has continued to mount on the side of reality leading Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume to drop the hammer on Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL).

Following Thursday’s primetime edition of the Jan. 6 show trial, investigative journalist and founder of Just the News, John Solomon, called out the committee for deliberately ignoring concrete evidence that destroys their narrative while referencing a specific Pentagon memo. Hume shared that post and included a scathing indictment of his own on the Republican committee members said to be participating in the name of being fair.

“This is the sort of information, while not excusing Trump, that the 1/6 committee’s Republicans would have insisted be part of the hearings, if they were trying to be fair,” he captioned the article before slamming Cheney and Kinzinger, “They are not.” more

5 Comments on Brit Hume exposes Jan 6 panel Republicans, citing Pentagon memo proving Trump wanted ‘safe event’

  1. It’s just like the “Russia Collusion investigation”… When the democrat filth try to accuse others of things like this, it’s precisely because they’re the ones doing it. The part of the 1/6 event that could be described as a “riot” was entirely the doing of the uniparty democrat/never-Trump GOP political establishment, and they’re more than happy to send innocent people to federal prison to push the lie forward.

    May they all burn in Hell.

  2. The smellocratic party has never believed in fairness.
    The RINOs prefer to suck on the smellocrats.

    This SAME thing has been going on for more than 7 years!

    No group of shitheads has found any crime
    in more than SEVEN YEARS !

    At least ONE formal federal prosecutor’s career
    has been ruined because he failed to find
    indictable charges.

    But we’re supposed to believe that STUPID-ASS
    Liz Cheney will succeed and save her house seat
    RAGARDLESS that all others have failed.

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