Britain and America Sign Deal on Post-Brexit Trade, Plan Huge Free Trade Agreement – IOTW Report

Britain and America Sign Deal on Post-Brexit Trade, Plan Huge Free Trade Agreement

Breitbart: The United Kingdom and the United States have signed a Mutual Recognition Agreement to ensure British-American trade continues seamlessly after Brexit, undercutting EU loyalists who claimed it would be damaged.

The United Kingdom trades with the United States, its largest single trade partner and number one source of inward investment, largely on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms — a so-called “No Deal” situation — as the European Union has failed to strike a bilateral agreement.

This WTO-based relationship is supplemented by a number of mini-agreements on things like regulatory standards, however, which Remainers had hitherto used to claim Brexit would deal a blow to British-American commerce.

However, the signing of a Mutual Recognition Agreement on Conformity Assessment (MRA) in Washington D.C. by the British ambassador to the United States, Sir Kim Darroch, and Deputy United States Trade Representative C.J. Mahoney on February 14th ensures this will not be the case. more

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