Britain braces for another terror attack – IOTW Report

Britain braces for another terror attack



In the aftermath of yesterday’s terrorist attack in Manchester, British Prime Minister Theresa May has raised the nation’s threat level from “severe” to “critical,” the highest rating. The threat level hasn’t been set that high in Britain since 2007. Stating that another attack “may be imminent,” May ordered that the military be deployed to guard concerts, sports matches, and other public events.

The Prime Minister’s actions are predicated, she said, on the view that the latest attack — unlike, say, the mowing down of pedestrians by a car on a London bridge earlier this year — may well be the product of a network of terrorists. If so, it’s reasonable to fear that the network will produce more terrorism in the coming days.

There are grounds for believing that the Manchester attack is, indeed, the product of organized terrorists. For one thing, the method of the attack suggests a collaborative effort. As one terrorism expert puts it:

Getting a car or a knife is easy. Making a bomb that works and goes off when you want it to go off takes preparation and practice. And it usually involves other people.

Moreover, the suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, traveled frequently between Libya and England, according to a family friend. ISIS has become quite active in Libya. This suggests that Abedi may have received training by ISIS. If so, it’s reasonable to suspect that he is part of an ISIS network of indeterminate size operating in England.  more here

18 Comments on Britain braces for another terror attack

  1. I wonder if it occurred to anyone to look into the mosque that shit stain attended. The Brits, at one time, had an intelligence service second to none. I am guessing, not so much anymore.
    You don’t kill a snake by nipping at the tail.

  2. I heard yesterday that ISIS said the next attack will be a vehicle strike. Now they’re calling ball, pocket and rails. If British security gets any worse, ISIS will have to start announcing the time and place for them.

  3. Just don’t say (or write) “izlamic,” “jihadi,” “mozlem,” “mussulman,” “arab,” “asian,” “raghead,” or any other thing that might suggest to a limey that they’re being targetted by the filthy fukkin ragheads.


    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It’s all just a hop, skip, and a jump, from being in our lap as well. Okay, just a hop and a skip, and pissing on British intelligence won’t stop that. We have not had a major event, not because our intelligence community is so supreme, but by the grace of God.

  5. It is common knowledge if an individual is somewhat intelligent and willing to sacrifice their life in the cause of islamic terrorism, there is little the Military, Police and government can do about it.
    What Britain has done, after the attack, is call out the police to cordon off the area, caution it’s citizens not to attribute this carnage to islam and release the flower and teddy bear brigade to display a memorial for those killed and wounded.

    Britain is waiting for the next atrocity, the flower and teddy bear brigade is prepared to react, all the while Britain has unchecked immigration allowing returning jihadis free entry to do their damage.

  6. The next attack may not involve muslims at all…

    “There’s a lot of talk in the anti-Islamic blogosphere about a coming civil war, when the Europeans will rise up and deport their Muslim neighbors. But with all the talk of deportations and ethnic cleansing and armed resistance, Breivik’s civil war didn’t target Muslims, it targeted the non-Muslims he saw as traitors, the ‘cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites of Europe”.

  7. Has Britain even entertained the reason “Why” this is happening? Have they taken any steps to curtail or stop the carnage?
    Is the fear of being called an islamophobic greater than the fear of islamic murders, rapes, honor killings and the islamic enclaves who teach and instruct jihad have taken over sections of the cities and political parties?

    The EU’s solution, take another 160,000 islamic refugees. When the once great Britain is in total submission to islam the problem will be solved.

  8. @wildriver-“We have not had a major event”
    People in the World Trade Center, Fort Hood, Pulse Nightclub, San Bernardino, Ft. Lauderdale\Hollywood International Airport, Boston Marathon, among others, would probably disagree.

  9. Carpeye D’um ; point made, my bad, but how much of that was Islam, which England affirms, and how much was CIA&FBI operatives?
    Perhaps we will never know for sure, but I don’t trust our government with my security.
    While we both may claim we “know”, I would bet what is truth is we both “strongly suspect”, but I can safely say, terrorism is not confined to Islam, for Islamic purposes.

  10. PM May announces she is “saddened”.
    In Leftspeak, feeling “sad” is sufficient. No further response is required.

    Teddy bears and votive candles.

    Winston Churchill, inheriting this disaster, would declare national emergency. Mosques would be closed, all immigration frozen, mass roundups, mass citizenship revocations and mass deportations, and Islam would be effectively banned outside private homes.

    All this can still be done. They need a leader.

  11. One of my soon-to-be former friends in England posted on Facebook yesterday that George Bush was to blame for the bombing in Manchester because of his war to keep gasoline at $1.00 a gallon. I wondering what he will say when the next bombing occurs. The vast majority of English people are so damned stupid they deserve their fate. The UK is finished!

  12. What should they be “bracing”? Their sensibilities? Is this the government just asking folks not to lose their shit when the next attack on the population occurs?

    Politicians will NEVER get all that upset about these attacks. Unless they start happening to them. That would take a truly stupid Islamist to do that.

  13. The sheep, in not so great Britain, have been neutered, shorn and indoctrinated to accept carnage of its citizens and nation.

    The DNA of Britain is no where close to the generation of WW II men and women. Sad to see a once great nation commit suicide by islam.

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