Britain: Knife Crime Rates Straining NHS, Depleting Blood Supplies – IOTW Report

Britain: Knife Crime Rates Straining NHS, Depleting Blood Supplies

Breitbart London-

Trauma surgeons have warned that Britain’s knife crime “epidemic” is putting the National Health Service (NHS) under strain, as figures revealed the number of incidents reached a record high of more than 40,000 last year.

The Daily Telegraph reported the 40,147 knife offences recorded in England and Wales — the highest figure since records began in 2011 — marked a 57 per cent increase from the figure for 2014.

Knife crime has risen for four consecutive years since 2014, when then Home Secretary Theresa May curbed the use of stop and search — a policing tactic officers insist saves lives but which is branded “racist” by campaigns that globalist financier George Soros’s international grantmaking organisation Open Society Foundations has bragged about funding. more here


13 Comments on Britain: Knife Crime Rates Straining NHS, Depleting Blood Supplies

  1. As far as the stop and frisk, the claim that it is racist because minorities are targeted for the search begs the question, “Who is committing these knife attacks in the first place?” The answer has been deemed racist as well.

  2. They are ignoring female genital mutilation in those statistics.
    fgm is illegal and it is done with a knife, therefore it is a ‘knife crime.’
    oh, thats right- they get a pass on that one

  3. Gee Wally, what an excellent proving grounds for a Concealed Carry and Stand Your Ground experiment!

    Yeah Beave, but that’s one of the big reasons why muzlims have targeted Yurp for all their chaos! Everything to gain and nuthin to lose!

  4. tom@drum: “Wonder if they realize the high probability they are getting infused with pork eating kuffir blood donations.”

    they are the stabbers, not the stabbees.


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