British Academics Say that Memes Are Contributing to Obesity – IOTW Report

British Academics Say that Memes Are Contributing to Obesity



A group of British academics told lawmakers that memes are contributing to the United Kingdom’s obesity crisis.

A letter sent from a group of concerned academics to British lawmakers argues that memes are corrupting children and encouraging them to engage in self-destructive behaviors. The academics contend that memes that include offensive content could lead to children adopting objectionable beliefs.

Our provisional inquiries show that a substantial number of individuals on Twitter share health related Internet memes, with both positive and negative messages, through their public accounts. Such is the pervasiveness of Internet memes that the vast majority of sharers display little, if any, emotion when sharing these memes: many of which contain inappropriate material or ridicule others by race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, body shape, religion, diet etc. When viewed in this way, Internet memes have the potential to normalise undesirable behaviours such as trolling, body shaming and bullying, and a lack of emotion may be indicative of a larger apathy with regards to such practice.

The academics go on to suggest that memes tagged with the hashtag “#fitnessaddict” could “normalize” unhealthy behaviors in children. more here

17 Comments on British Academics Say that Memes Are Contributing to Obesity

  1. Wait, I’m confused.
    So fat acceptance, ‘you’re beautiful no matter what shape’, 300 pound + people being called sexy… THAT isn’t contributing to the obesity problem, but LOSS jpeg, pepe the frog, and One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor are the cause?

    Yeah, no I don’t think so.

  2. @Aaron Burr October 21, 2018 at 1:45 pm

    > Paint the entire British isles gray and draw a giant NPC face on it.

    Send them all “free holiday” vouchers to the same beach resort. It’ll tip over, and everybody can have a fresh start when the bottom dries out.

  3. All the great big slob bulls and hefty heifers need to be banned from Golden Corral and other all you can eat buffet joints. There is a good reason I don’t go there anymore, I just can’t eat that much like I could in my teens and 20’s and I’m already a little overweight and need to get under 200#. There was a huge woman at the grocery store yesterday wearing see thru tights with tats all over her elephant sized legs that grossed me out, I didn’t need to see that but she was ginormous. And boy was she ever woman spreading those oversized large legs sitting on the bench in the front of the store right next to the rest room. She should’ve been issued a permanent wide load sign. LCD, what about the few leftover skinny Pirates off the East coast of Africa around Somalia and the ones who hang around the Straits of Malacca between Indonesia and Southern Asia?

  4. The British ARE computers.

    Think about it,they both have their own incomprehensible gibberish,they both speak in boring, long winded monotones, neither group ever has sex, and both groups are most useful when melted down for their precious metals.

    It’s like Canada but surrounded by water.

  5. “Our provisional inquiries show…”
    Who in the hell do they think ‘they’ are, to talk to me, or anyone, like that and try to sound authoritarian?
    “Definition of provisional – arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be
    changed later.”
    ‘this is what we’d like you to believe today…’

    Take your frickin’ provision and shove it in your division


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