British PM Johnson to EU: ‘We’re Packing our Bags and Walking Out’ in 25 Days – IOTW Report

British PM Johnson to EU: ‘We’re Packing our Bags and Walking Out’ in 25 Days

PJM: If European Union leaders thought there would be any flagging or hesitation from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson when the Brexit deadline loomed, they are sadly mistaken.

Johnson penned an op-ed in The Sun and The Daily Express that explicitly threatened a British exit from the EU with or without a formal agreement by October 31.


“After decades of campaigning, three years of arguments and seemingly endless months of pointless delay, it is now just 25 days until the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union comes to an end. We will be packing our bags and walking out on October 31. The only question is whether Brussels cheerily waves us off with a mutually agreeable deal, or whether we will be forced to head off on our own,” he wrote.

The EU is perfectly aware of Johnson’s political troubles — both in his own party and with the opposition. But Johnson’s threat should now impress on the EU the seriousness of the situation. Part of the calculus used by the EU was always that the Brits would get cold feet and keep delaying their exit until a change in political leadership brought them back to their senses.

That’s not going to happen now.

18 Comments on British PM Johnson to EU: ‘We’re Packing our Bags and Walking Out’ in 25 Days

  1. Go away Romy, you’re wasting valuable comment space and starting to annoy the hell out of our patience. If we wanted a get rich scheme we might pay attention to Joel O’Steen or a bunch of those other christian phonies and their prosperity gospel bs.

    Deleted Spam – Claudia

  2. There are some very, very powerful forces opposing Brexit, so we’ll see if it happens.

    This is a one side wins and one side loses situation, there is no in between since any “deal” that compromises anything is a win for the anti’s and a loss for the pro’s.

  3. isn’t this how the civil war started in our country?
    a desire to leave a union because it no longer served the desires of those that wished to leave.

    and also the revolutionary war?
    the same desire to leave a union.

    there’s a lesson there some where.

  4. Good for England.
    Get out while the getting is good.
    The EU is a nightmarish conglomeration of globalism and their hopes and dreams- get away from that while you have the chance.

  5. US Liberals are swallowing the stuff spewed out by Brit “entertainers” like homo puff pastry Elton John and others that the UK must stay in the EU.

    Why, I’m not entirely sure. It would be economically better for the UK to be in our economic house, for all concerned.

    America is also still better than decadent Europe, most of whose citizens haven’t the foggiest notion of real freedom and independence.


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