British Police are Instructed to Stop Policing “Offensive” Tweets and Go Back to Cracking Down on Real Criminal Activity – IOTW Report

British Police are Instructed to Stop Policing “Offensive” Tweets and Go Back to Cracking Down on Real Criminal Activity

BLP: The United Kingdom has become notorious for its anarcho-tyrannical policies where police focus on cracking down on edgy online speech, while violent criminals are allowed to run loose. 

However, that seems to be changing with the release of a new interim guidance from the UK’s College of Policing. The guidance recommends that police should concentrate more of their time and resources on catching criminals as opposed to policing “offensive” speech on social media. The guidance also recommended to police that they respect the freedom of speech and avoid getting involved in cases with regards to lawful discourse online just because someone got offended by controversial statements. 

In 2021, former former police officer Harry Miller was able to successfully challenge the recording of non-hate crime incidents after an officer from the Humberside Police force paid him a visit due to a tweet he made. Miller’s tweet was deemed to be transphobic.

The Court of Appeal issued a ruling that declared the recording of non-crime hate incidents was “plainly an interference with free speech.”

Christina Maas of Reclaim the Net observed that “While records of no-crime hate incidents do not appear on the basic Disclosure and Barring Service checks, they could appear on the thorough searches conducted on those applying for jobs as carers and teachers.” more here

13 Comments on British Police are Instructed to Stop Policing “Offensive” Tweets and Go Back to Cracking Down on Real Criminal Activity

  1. After 2 years of Harassing Old People & giving Mask fines they are WAY TOO SOFT to deal with a Machete Swinging Misunderstood Soul.

    Fuck You Boris

  2. I had the misfortune of working with the UK police and (hehehe) military for three and a half years. I have never witnessed a more backward thinking group of witless twits in my life. They were far more concerned about milky tea and other mindless bollocks than catching criminals. I was quite happy when my plane left the runway at Gatwick.


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