Broadswords in a Pit – IOTW Report

Broadswords in a Pit

James and Rebecca simply could not settle their differences… that’s where the broadswords came in. – Mike Rowe.
h/t J.

8 Comments on Broadswords in a Pit

  1. Mike Rowe states that Lincoln believed it was “better to bury the hatchet than swing the sword”. If Lincoln really believed that, the War of Northern Aggression would have never been fought and some odd 700,000 honorable men (and women and children) on both sides wouldn’t have died needlessly to prop up the financial backers / interests of a corrupt federal government.

    I generally like Mike Rowe, but he needs to become better educated on the history of what is wrongly known as “The Civil War” and how a brutal, self-serving tyrant named Lincoln that willingly caused it is now incredulously called a hero in some circles. America has been providing mal-education in public schools for a long time and it just keeps getting worse.

  2. That being said, it was an interesting story. Thanks for posting all the variety of stuff you do MJA (and everyone else here) – you must expend a lot of well-spent time just looking for things that might be interesting to a broad variety of people and you all succeed in doing that.

  3. The winners write the history.
    Like Bubba’s Bro said, if Lincoln were truly an honorable man, he would have brokered a compromise.
    The whole war was started not by slavery but by Yankees wanting the cotton to feed their new, expensive machinery.
    The Yankee industrialists wanted to pay pennies on the dollar, for the Southern cotton.
    They had Charleston harbor blockaded , preventing the factors from exporting it to Europe, England would gladly pay top dollar.
    As an unintended consequence, Europe primarily Britain, enslaved the entire subcontinent of India to supply their needs.
    Gandhi drove this home, suggesting India spin and weave their own cotton, in their bid for independence.

  4. My observations about people’s belief in Abe Lincoln are as follows….They are a product of the public education system and the part of the country where they grew up.

    If you are raised in the North, you are almost certain to believe in the legacy of “Honest Abe.”

    If You are raised in the South, you are inclined to believe a different story.

    Who is wrong and who is right? It all boils down to what your beliefs are.

  5. There were no Republicans in the Confederate army.
    Everyone who fought for the Confederacy was fighting for the elite of the Democrat party, whether they knew it or not.
    Most southerners did not own slaves but, they were defending the Democrat slave owners.

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