Bronx residents excited for Trump’s visit, frustrated with Dems who ‘used us and abused us’ – IOTW Report

Bronx residents excited for Trump’s visit, frustrated with Dems who ‘used us and abused us’

FOX: “Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy spoke with South Bronx residents ahead of former President Trump’s visit to the area, as New Yorkers expressed frustration with the state of the nation under President Biden’s leadership.

As Campos-Duffy toured the neighborhood, residents described Trump on “Fox & Friends” as being for the “little man” and that the former president has shown a lot of respect to the Bronx by visiting. 

“Senior citizens cannot walk down the street. Our children are being killed. When you go to a grocery store, you can’t even buy anything anymore,” said Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., president of New York’s Hispanic Clergy Association. more

10 Comments on Bronx residents excited for Trump’s visit, frustrated with Dems who ‘used us and abused us’

  1. Lady next door is full Apache. She has two sons in their 40s. I was talking to her youngest, pro Trump conservative and asked him about his older brother. “As much of a MAGA conservative as I am, my brother is even more so!” was his answer.

    Trump 2024..and beyond!

  2. 1860s … maybe before that.

    New York has been a shit-hole for a long time.
    Tammany Hall was incorporated in 1786.
    Sullivan Act took effect in 1911.

    The people of New York seem to love wallowing in shit – being used and abused – and expropriated. Hard to say if this is a momentary disgust or an awakening.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So one of the main campaign issues in the Bronx is people having trouble surviving? That’s it? No principled reasons? No critical thinking? No political philosophy of government? Their kids are getting killed and they can’t buy food?

    It’s a wee bit late, folks. FOAD.

  4. Thousands of people stood in the rain to hear Trump speak for over an hour. Don’t think the democrats aren’t in a panic mode. I still think Biden is going to suffer some malady before the convention. They may not be able to manufacture enough phony votes to put his demented ass back in office. Look for Mike Obama or Mme. Pantsuit to step up.


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