Kamala’s New WEALTH Tax

19 Comments on BROO YOU AINT GOT 100 MILLION WHY YOU CARE?~!?!~?~

  1. California did the same thing while that slow learner was here. Someone proposed a bill to tax the hell out of the top 5% richest peeps if Cali. That’s back when we use to be able to vote on shit. It passed. Get those rich bastards. Yea well they all left the state and took their jobs with them. They repealed it two years later. The reason a lot o f poor people are poor is because they’re fucking stupid. They’ll find the same thing will happen on a National level. They’ll either shut their shit down because they’re rich enough or look for a friendlier country. She is a true Marxist.

  2. Wild Bill

    I disagree. We will turn into a local barter economy. Some cash or gold or silver. Lot’s of trade. Fuck these communists. And then get prepared for them coming after those local economies because they;’re not paying sales tax. That;s when we shoot them in the face.

  3. My dearly departed mother, God rest her soul, took the bait every fucking time hook, line and sinker.

    She would tell me that sho was going to vote for the latest and greatest tax the rich scheme every Goddamn time one came up. I would walk her through how it was not as advertised and exactly why. She would come back with: Well, “they” are going to raise taxes irrespective of whether or not residents want what they are selling. Might as well vote to have the rich pay for it, they can afford it. Better them than me.

    I recognized that she had bought into the envy not being a cardinal sin song and dance very early in life and that made her an easy mark for unscrupulous politicians. She was not as heavily invested as most Democrat voters, but it doesn’t take much for someone to buy their bill of goods.

    I can get rather passionate about the danger that allowing any other interpretation of what envy leads to and my inclination is that I have seen personally how it can be used to manipulate and control people who do not recognize it for the cardinal sin and recognize the danger even dipping your toe in that lie infested swamp poses.

    It is a cardinal sin, Satan knows it is a cardinal sin and acts accordingly and sends his foot soldiers forth with it in their quiver of arrows. You want to know who else knows full well what it is? Satan’s rotten sack of shit right hand man Bergoglio, you can bet your ass he’s following orders when he is running his diseased pie hole sewing confusion on this amongst the naïve and dim witted.

  4. Just to make it absolutely and unambiguously clear, Bergoglio is not, never has been, and never will be Pope. He is an illegitimate usurper of the throne and he and those who installed him are progressive/Marxist/Satanists who endanger the immortal soul of anyone who doesn’t utterly reject their legitimacy and with prejudice.

  5. Kind of funny, but the 16th Amendment was sold as “only” taxing the top 1/2 of 1% of the rich.
    See how that turned out?
    The money’s in the “middle class” not the “rich.” The gov’t could take every dime of every $Billionaire in America and wouldn’t be able to finance the gov’t for more than a day or two.

    Divide and conquer – it’s that simple – the “rich” are in on the scam.

    ALL Bullshit; ALL the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Someone ask Kommie just how much is “fair share” of earnings.
    If people think it wouldn’t expand to everyone, like every govt scheme, they’re too stupid to vote.
    If you have that much money you’d either buy an island and leave or ship your money offshore.
    Can you imagine the unemployment numbers if she actually did that?

  7. Tim-FJB
    I was thinking the same about the 16thA.
    Good intentions do not always bring good results.
    Curb stomp this latest wealth distribution scheme into the mud where it belongs.

  8. Taxing unrealized gains without allowing for tax deductions for unrealized losses is simply stealing. And if this larcenous idea is every enacted into law, it will be shifted to the middle class to steal their retirement savings. Just like Obamacare stole everyone’s wages.

  9. Social Security checks were excluded from federal tax from the first payment in 1940 through the last payment in 1983. Beginning January 1984, tax was levied on the payments and the talking point given to the Agency employees was “it will affect only 10% of the beneficiaries.” (The rich) I know this as I was an SSA field employee at that time. Today, the tax is collected from 40% of the beneficiaries. This is the way it always works.

  10. Wealth distribution is just another scheme to buy votes.
    More free sh!t, at tax payer expense.
    Taxing the rich won’t work, because they write the tax code.
    Taxing corporations just increases prices. If the corporation has a profit margin of 5%, they will still have a profit margin of 5% + the increase in taxes.

    If they took all the money in the world and divided it all equally, within a few months it would be back in the same hands.
    We all know someone who received a large sum of money, either by lawsuit/injury, and within a few years they are broke again.
    DEI – Didn’t Earn It.

  11. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to convince someone that when the government taxes corporations, its the customers that pay the tax via higher prices on that corporations goods/services. I guess I just suck at explanations in part because is see the matter as painfully obvious and really cannot understand why everyone doesn’t get it.

  12. Just to make it absolutely and unambiguously clear, Biden is not, never has been, and never will be President. He is an illegitimate usurper of the office and he and those who installed him are progressive/Marxist/Satanists who endanger the immortal soul of anyone who doesn’t utterly reject their legitimacy and with prejudice.

    Thanks, JDHasty. I couldn’t have said it better!

  13. @ President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight MONDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER 2024, 6:33 AT 6:33 AM

    I don’t have a clue how many times I have posted that to concede good intentions to progressive/Marxist/Satanists is a trap. Don’t fall for it. They have no capacity whatsoever for being well intended.

  14. @ Dave Huff MONDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER 2024, 10:29 AT 10:29 AM

    Pretty much that has become a pattern. It’s why they are all invested in controlling free exchange of information. That and their various gun control schemes go hand in hand in making it obvious to anyone who is paying attention to what their designs are at this point.

    Have you noticed the passion in which foreigners, who have no interest in what goes on in the United States weigh in on both subjects? It is because so long as the American people own more personal firearms than the governments of all of the world combined that they have not YET gone full Stalin on the world.


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