Brookings president retired Gen. John Allen resigns amid FBI probe into alleged Qatar lobbying – IOTW Report

Brookings president retired Gen. John Allen resigns amid FBI probe into alleged Qatar lobbying


Retired Gen. John Allen resigned from his position as Brookings Institution president on Sunday less as the FBI is ramping up its investigation into his possible illegal lobbying activities on behalf of Qatar.

In his resignation letter obtained by The Associated Press, Allen wrote that he was leaving with a “heavy heart.”

He stressed, “I know it is best for all concerned in this moment,” but he did not give a direct explanation for his departure.

His resignation comes more than a year after Just the News broke the story that Brookings received $2 million from Qatar while the retired four-star Marine Corps general led a program at the institute and lobbied the White House on behalf of the wealthy Arab state. more

4 Comments on Brookings president retired Gen. John Allen resigns amid FBI probe into alleged Qatar lobbying

  1. Yet all you’re going to hear about is Ron DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw retroactively registering as a Foreign Agent for work she did years ago for President Saakashvili of Georgia. The Democrats needed a false equivalency distraction from Deep State corrupticrat John Allen’s troubles, so the DOJ decided to investigate Pushaw for a FARA violation. As usual, it is a nothingburger.

  2. Trust is not longer a word to believe in. My trust in anyone is like a broken mirror. You can try to repair it, but no matter what, I’ll still see the cracks. I’ll keep my trust and faith in God, he hasn’t failed me yet.


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