Brooklyn Catholic church ordered to re-bless altar after pop star films ‘demonic’ video – IOTW Report

Brooklyn Catholic church ordered to re-bless altar after pop star films ‘demonic’ video


Pop singer Sabrina Carpenter shot a controversial music video in a century-old Brooklyn Catholic church resulting in the Bishop having to re-bless the altar with holy water.

One furious church member asked how ‘such demonic filth’ could have been allowed to be filmed in the church, suggesting ‘the lust of pornography has entered this church,’” according to Metro.

The song “Feather” was videoed at the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. Carpenter, 24, wore a skimpy suggestive outfit while gyrating in front of the altar and singing a song about the bloody deaths of a number of men who wronged her. It was released last week and has over five million views. MORE

5 Comments on Brooklyn Catholic church ordered to re-bless altar after pop star films ‘demonic’ video

  1. @VeedonFleece: The bishop chastised the parish in a statement for allowing the video to take place, “The parish did not follow diocesan policy regarding the filming on Church property, which includes a review of the scenes and script.”

    Members said it was okay. That’s not the worse thing that’s happened in a Catholic church. I understand that pedophilia is still rampant among priests.


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