Brooklyn Nets Owner Defends Communist China – IOTW Report

Brooklyn Nets Owner Defends Communist China

New York (AFP) – Freedom of expression does not extend to issues China deems untouchable, the Taiwanese-Canadian owner of the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets said Monday as he weighed in on the Houston Rockets pro-democracy tweet crisis.

Rockets general manager Daryl Morey posted a tweet Friday featuring the message supporting the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, sparking outrage in mainland China and forcing profuse apologies from the team.

Nets owner Joseph Tsai, who made a fortune with Alibaba after co-founding the e-commerce titan and remains its executive vice president, said in a Facebook post that Morey’s tweet was intolerable to the Chinese government and citizens.

While acknowledging the tradition of free speech in the United States, Tsai wrote: “The problem is, there are certain topics that are third-rail issues in certain countries, societies and communities.”

“Supporting a separatist movement in a Chinese territory is one of those third-rail issues, not only for the Chinese government, but also for all citizens in China.”

“Third-rail” is used to describe an issue considered so politically controversial that it is untouchable. read more

7 Comments on Brooklyn Nets Owner Defends Communist China

  1. Apparently, they prefer to respect China’s oppressive communism instead of American principles of freedom and liberty.

    Principles which are falling by the wayside as we continually exalt almost every nation and their institutions above our own.

  2. Popobitch of the spurs and Kerr of the warriors are huge trump bashers who never pull any punches about it. And that’s ok with the NBA.

    But now we learn that the league orifice will get down on their knees and su… i mean beg the chinese for forgiveness if they happen to offend a chinese dictator.

    Sounds like google, too, doesn’t it?

  3. Just another reason to hate the NTBA, the national thug basketball association or assholes, take your pick. I haven’t give a damn about the NBA since Howard Schulz, the Starbucks owner and former owner of the Seattle Supersonics sold us out and sold the Sonics to Oklahoma City, something he claimed he would never do but did anyway.


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