Brosseau: ‘Do I have justify how hard I was hit in the breast?’ – IOTW Report

Brosseau: ‘Do I have justify how hard I was hit in the breast?’

“If I was a man and I was hit in the nuts, would we having the same conversation? I don’t know,” Brosseau said.

“And then (people are asking), ‘Was she hit hard enough in the breast?’ Do I have justify how hard I was hit in the breast? It doesn’t matter.”

Yahoo.Canada:  OTTAWA – Ruth Ellen Brosseau says she has faced personal attacks since she was elbowed in the House of Commons by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, including that she should be “ashamed to be a woman” and that she is “not a feminist.”


In an exclusive interview Friday with The Canadian Press, the New Democrat MP said her office has received a number of phone calls from people across the country, many of them suggesting that she is “crying wolf.”

“My office has received countless phone calls … saying it is my fault, I should be ashamed, I should resign, I should apologize, it is my fault,” a visibly shaken Brosseau said during a conversation at her Ottawa office.

“I get elbowed in the breast and it hurts. It was very painful.”

Brosseau, who used to to break up fights as a bartender prior to entering political life as the MP for a Quebec riding, said she never expected to have to deal with a situation like this once becoming a member of Parliament.

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New Democrats reported hearing the prime minister mutter, “‘Get the f— out of the way.'”

10 Comments on Brosseau: ‘Do I have justify how hard I was hit in the breast?’

  1. Silly woman.
    Leftist icons are exempted from the rules of normal decency.
    It doesn’t matter what he did to you – you just need to suck it up and quietly take one for the team.
    (See: Bill Clinton)

  2. Some things..
    If getting hit in the boob was as bad as taking a smack in the sack, then America’s Funniest Video would have that shit on there as much as they do groin shots. In fact there would be a segment called: Head, Boob, or Groin.
    And if getting hit in the boob would drop you like a bad habit like getting hit in the sack does, then the main objective in every fight between women would be to slug the other woman in the boob.
    Thus, a ‘Nad shot outweighs elbow to the Boob by a considerable margin.
    Next, I reject her premise that being a member of Parliament, she is not used to vitriol from the public. She probably gets a lot worse calls and e-mails every time she does or says anything.

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