Brother of Sandy Hook Victim Makes Brilliant Statement On Why Biden Should Not Be ‘Frontrunner’ For President – IOTW Report

Brother of Sandy Hook Victim Makes Brilliant Statement On Why Biden Should Not Be ‘Frontrunner’ For President

I don’t think he’s lying intentionally…he seems like a very nice person, who does care. The problem is he is getting things mixed up and that’s not what you want to see in a frontrunner for president. Joe Biden wants to be the champion for gun control, a man whose been doing gun control his entire adult life, 35 years in the senate, Vice President for eight years, that’s not a champion.

Go HERE for more on the story.

10 Comments on Brother of Sandy Hook Victim Makes Brilliant Statement On Why Biden Should Not Be ‘Frontrunner’ For President

  1. Seems nice and fresh-faced, but I think he’s mistaken and naive thinking Biden “isn’t intentionally lying”. He’ll learn soon enough about how vicious Biden actually is.


    seriously, if this guy’s their ‘frontrunner’ PDT must go to bed every night a very happy man

    … ok, even if Melania is not there every night 😉

  3. Plan accordingly

    1. NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU. Whether an event lasts a few seconds, a few hours, or even a few days – you have to work as though nobody is coming to save you.

    2. You are your savior, so start working because EVERYTHING IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You are your security, you are your medic, you are your rescuer.

    3. You are your own best resource to SAVE WHO NEEDS TO BE SAVED. Nobody wants to save your life more than you, so set yourself up for success by having the simple tools and knowledge to do so: do what you can with what you have. Recognize that nobody is in a better position to start saving your life than you.

    4. Sometimes saving lives means you have to KILL WHO NEEDS TO BE KILLED. It has been almost 15 years since I first wrote “the more effective you are at taking a life, the more successful you’ll be at saving one” and nothing in the intervening time has changed my mind. Be swift, be decisive, be final.

    5. Mostly, ALWAYS BE WORKING. There is always something you can be doing to improve your position. Always. Because nobody is coming to save you.


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