Bruce Willis’ Death Wish isn’t half bad – IOTW Report

Bruce Willis’ Death Wish isn’t half bad

Patriot Retort:

Last night I took a break from my reading phase to rent the movie Death Wish.

And I can see why the anti-gun handwringers are super upset over it.

Death Wish is definitely a shoot-em-up.

But it isn’t half bad.

Now, it isn’t the best thing I’ve seen or anything like that.

But there’s no denying it grabs your attention.

The plot is this: A trauma surgeon in Chicago turns vigilante after his wife is murdered and his daughter put into a coma during a home invasion gone wrong.

There were only a couple of things that bothered me about it.

First, it’s gruesome. I mean brains-splattering-blood-gushing gruesome.

Sometimes I wish movie-makers would give their audiences some credit for having vivid imaginations. I don’t actually need to see a head pop like a brain-filled zit, thank you very much.

If I find myself saying, “Okay, that’s more than I need to see” during a movie, you’re being too graphic.

The other problem I had with it is the film rushes the main character’s transformation.  MORE HERE

15 Comments on Bruce Willis’ Death Wish isn’t half bad

  1. I think I might have to see this one, Dianny. Thanks for the report.

    @Reiuxcat – Around where I live, it’s $12 if I want to see it right away (can’t remember when I did that), and the matinees, while much less expensive, are a theaters with seats less comfortable than my easy chair in front of a 55″ teevee whose sound comes from a decent amp/speakers. The real reason I now prefer home viewing is I can hit the pause button and go (a) get a drink, (b) make a sammich, (c) answer the phone, or (d) go take a leak. As I get older, (d) rises in importance.

  2. Novel was written in the 70s just after the Bernard Goetz subway mugging travesty in which the citizen is made the scapegoat and the criminals set free.

    Author wanted to address, when government cant/won’t maintain the law and protect the law abiding civil society, the law abiding citizenry must restore order themselves, which requires eliminating the savages.

    “ A conservative is a former liberal who’s been mugged.”

  3. The last movie I saw in a theater was Dances With Wolves.
    After that I rented either tapes or DVDs, some I purchased for my library. I reckon the savings paid for a decent home system.

  4. Thanks for the review, Dianny.
    I’ll probably watch it sometime.
    Though as I get older the gruesome stuff bothers me more.

    I watched the first Mission Impossible movie last night.
    It is good to revisit movies I’ve already seen and know I like.
    No hidden liberal agenda and all that either.
    Another good thing about movies with intricate plots, you find yourself figuring it out the second viewing.
    “Oh, now I get it!”

  5. I just rewatched Zero Dark Thirty. I had intended on watching it Memorial Day weekend but didn’t have time. Not an action movie, but it’s still pretty well done. I especially like the fact that the CIA agent got supremely irritated by the White House delaying so long after she found bin Laden. All that work, all that time and she had to wait for Prince Hamlet to make up his mind.

  6. Bruce Willis makes any movie good. This one was no exception. I rarely see movies in the theaters. I get tired of wearing ear protection while watching. The best new movie I’ve seen in a LOOOONG time was Wind River. I highly recommend it.

  7. Dianny. Have you watched any of the John Wicks movies? If not give them a go. Reeves has been training at Tartan Tactical for ever I think. Superb gun handling. Reeves is an unusual Hollywood type star. Interesting story really.

  8. Watched the original before seeing this one. It was refreshing, oddly enough, that Bronson never got Brundlefly and crew. He literally just placed himself in danger and went all Punisher until the cops started getting wise to him. The Willis remake was too intent on Kersey being cool and clever while he killed.

    Another thing that jumped out at us while watching the original? How many black people there were played extras to flesh out scenes in the police station and the hospital.

  9. I told Dianny this morning I’d rather watch the original than the remake. The original was kinda cheesy, but as I told Dianny, it was 1974 and we didn’t know any better. Besides, Charles Bronson.


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