Bruce Willis ‘stepping away’ from career after aphasia diagnosis, family says – IOTW Report

Bruce Willis ‘stepping away’ from career after aphasia diagnosis, family says

CNBC: Actor Bruce Willis is “stepping away” from his career after being diagnosed with aphasia, his family said on Wednesday.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, Rumer Willis, the eldest daughter of Demi Moore and Willis, shared that her father’s diagnosis “is impacting his cognitive abilities.”

“To Bruce’s amazing supporters, as a family we wanted to share that our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities,” she wrote, which was also signed by other members of the family: Emma, Demi, Scout, Tallulah, Mabel and Evelyn.

Moore also shared the post on her Instagram page.

“As a result of this and with much consideration Bruce is stepping away from the career that has meant so much to him.”

Aphasia “is a condition that robs you of the ability to communicate. It can affect your ability to speak, write and understand language, both verbal and written,” according to the Mayo Clinic.

It most commonly arises after a stroke or brain injury, though can also come on more gradually to due the growth of a brain tumor or a degenerative disease.

The family did not say what the cause is in Willis’ case. They wrote that it is “a really challenging time” for them, but that they are “moving through this as a strong family unit.” more

14 Comments on Bruce Willis ‘stepping away’ from career after aphasia diagnosis, family says

  1. We watched Midnight in the Switchgrass recently.
    Mr. Kakalogical stated that something was wrong with Bruce Willis, because his character didn’t have much dialogue.
    Very sad news for his family. Thanks for the years of entertainment!
    He was the best part of “Moonlighting”.

  2. The most intelligent guy I know had a stroke which resulted in aphasia. He has made progress with a speech therapist but it’s been 2 years and how much farther that takes him remains to be seen. Fortunately he’s got pockets deep enough to afford the therapist and a loving wife to help him.

    He can get words out-sometimes and can put together short sentences-sometimes but far too often it can be impossible to understand him. Typing an email is an impossibility and his reading comprehension is extremely limited.

    It’s just plain sad.

    It sounds as though Bruce is in worse shape. I’m sorry to hear it.

  3. Deep breaths…. What I wanted to say is I think Bruce Willis is one of the real guys in Hollyweird. Or if he’s not, at least he isn’t bragging about it or throwing it in my face.
    GOD bless and keep him and his family. I pray they are willing to do what is necessary to keep him sane.

  4. Ok, this is the third article about Bruce Willis’ health issues. Is it really necessary to have 3 articles? Look I like his movies, and he’s actually one of the more conservative people in homowood, but this is going a bit far. Multiple articles about the same subjects have been showing up here for a few months now. What gives?

  5. loved Willis since his ‘Moonlighting’ days … since ‘Blind Date’ he’s always seemed to come from the perspective of an average guy just trying to deal w/ an adverse situation not of his making

    ‘Die Hard’ is a classic!

    Prayers to God for Bruce & his family


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