Brussels Sprouts! – IOTW Report

Brussels Sprouts!

Hello There Friends, Today I am making the last side dish in my Steakhouse Sides series! Finishing it off with The Perfect Brussel Sprouts! I know many people do not like Brussel Sprouts for their bitterness, but come and try my secret technique in making them delicious! Serve with a gorgeous Balsamic Vinegar to give the whole dish an extra kick.

34 Comments on Brussels Sprouts!

  1. Nope. That’s my excuse in life for various indiscretions, I had to eat Brussels Sprouts as a kid. However, in all fairness, I might like something that others find icky.

  2. OT
    Somewhere between 10 and 20 years ago [15]
    I bought some 50 Year Old bottles of Balsamic Vinegar.
    The Real Stuff in the Middle of Prosciutto Country.
    I boxed them up and they are in waiting.
    I would be tempted to break one out,
    For the right Ham and Bread platter.

  3. Brussels sprouts is an acquired taste. I never ate them as a kid, I don’t know why. My mother fed us that awful stuff they call liver. Of all the things that makes me wanna hurl it’s liver. It never touched my lips after I left the house. I like brussels sprouts.

  4. When I worked at Lakeland Village a state-run facility for developmentally disabled people in Medical Lake, Wash. in the late 90’s the kitchen would cook and then puree Brussels sprouts which made them look and smell like baby poop for the residents there. It was disgusting, just the smell alone would make you gag. It was worse than pureed baby food. YUCK!

  5. Sprouts are one of those things that are easy to hate until one fine day you chance upon the right recipe. I’m surprised Jean Pierre didn’t carve out the root portion, since that’s what makes them taste bitter.

  6. You can’t fool me. Brussel Sprouts suck. All of your efforts to hide their vileness don’t work. Nope.

    Also on the SUCK LIST?

    Any canned vegetable.

  7. Quit hating on the okra! You have never had it battered, seasoned and fried correctly! Also I make great traditional southern Louisiana Smoked turkey and Sausage Gumbo, you would probably not know there was okra in it, but if it ain’t got okra it ain’t Gumbo.

  8. If we let the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey, et al, continue their destruction of America, y’all be lovin okra, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, rotten peaches … hell, probably donkey meat, spam, vienna sausages, and bologna.

    We’ll be fightin over dead rats.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Egg plant: God is fired over that monstrosity (that also makes me puke!).

    Broccoli and Cauliflower are #1 and #3 on my favorite vegetables list. #2 is spinach. #4 is fresh green beans. I just don’t eat Brussels sprouts very often.

    Actually, the whole cabbage family is #1.

    Okay, I’ll submit to being beat up as long as you eat mah cookin’.

  10. Interesting this came up. Have had them two days in a row and it has been many years in-between.

    Complimented the ex on the family multi-text about her ALWAYS good tasting sprouts and she said steaming them for 10-15 minutes then seasoning them was the secret. Larger = more time.

    Makes sense. It’s the tough center that’s always bitter. Hers were always soft and tasty.

  11. Here’s my favorite brussel sprout recipe:

    Par boil them for two minutes, then pan fry in olive oil until lightly brown. Then roll them in cocoa.

    Surreptitiously place them into the nearest toilet bowl and quietly lower the lid.

    Then wait for the next unsuspecting person to raise the lid.

    The horror is quite savory.

  12. We just had brussels sprouts for dinner tonight. Salt, pepper garlic and olive oil…split and then baked at 350 for 30 minutes. Quite tasty! If only I had seen this before dinner….

  13. I’ve never cared for brussel sprouts, though I love cabbage. I could never figure out why I couldn’t eat the sprouts. It must be the bitterness, as I have a major problem with anything bitter.

    I’m going to try some of your suggestions and see if I can get them just right. Ooooo, I think I’m becoming ‘domesticated’!!!

    Thanks for posting these videos, MJA.


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