Brzezinski: Dems Bullied Anyone Who Pointed Out Clinton Flaws, Sanders-Trump Would Have Been ‘Real Fight’ – IOTW Report

Brzezinski: Dems Bullied Anyone Who Pointed Out Clinton Flaws, Sanders-Trump Would Have Been ‘Real Fight’

Breitbart: On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski argued Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would have put up a “real fight” had he been the Democratic nominee, and that Democrats bullied people who pointed out Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had problems.

Brzezinski said that Sanders “could have beat Trump.” She added that while it a Sanders win over Trump wouldn’t be a sure thing, it “would have been a real fight, for the right thing.”  more here

10 Comments on Brzezinski: Dems Bullied Anyone Who Pointed Out Clinton Flaws, Sanders-Trump Would Have Been ‘Real Fight’

  1. Still in denial. Not until they admit the real reason will the healing begin: Would have taken Trump seriously, could have taken Trump seriously, should have taken Trump seriously.

    Now deal with it.

  2. Maybe so, but the problem with Bernie and Hillary is that they were almost tied in voter support. Trump was far and away the winner on the GOP side. And superdelegates aside, it would have been a much harder task for Bernie to pry off Hillary supporters in the general, much less get campaign cash from a butthurt, Clinton-controlled DNC. Plus, Bernie could forget about getting the lockstep media tongue bath which Hillary got. And when it comes down to it, Bernie still was not the “agent of change” candidate that Trump was. I think Mika is either missing or avoiding that point.

  3. Yeah, I can see it now … in my own mind … the goofy, half-assed, socialist grifter beating the American people and their nominee.

    Yeah, that was gonna happen … sure it was … like that time Lichtenstein conquered Germany, France, and the Low Countries …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. ThirdTwin, you said it well.
    They’re in total denial.

    Sanders was a weak candidate with weak supporters.
    Those supporters didn’t bother to get off the couch for HRC. There’s no reason to think the Lazy Weakling Vote would have roused themselves off Mommy’s sofa for Bernie, either.
    We have just seen how irrelevant Facebook and Twitter are to an actual election.

    But it would have been fun watching the successful populist billionaire demolish the elderly hunchback socialist.


  5. How many ways can they autopsy this losing body? Nothing left. The body got up and left the arena. Threw a hissy fit and abandoned her supporters and left them to clean up the mess SHE made.

    Move on. I’m tired of hearing MSM thinking they are so original and failing to HEAR that they are all saying the same script! Like the line, ‘Baked in’, STOP!!!

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