Buck the CDC! – IOTW Report

Buck the CDC!

Florida: WATCH.

People want to live freely in Florida without corporate masking creating a two-tier society, overbearing isolation for their children, and their health care practitioners having the freedom to follow science, not outdated and politicized “guidance.” – Gov. DeSantis and Surgeon General Ladapo.

Non Florida: What are your governors doing?

h/t Chris.

12 Comments on Buck the CDC!

  1. Non Florida: What are your governors doing?

    What a great question!
    Again I point out there are 28 states with Republican governors (only 22 with democRATz).
    For what ever reason the GOP is completely ignoring the power they would have if they simply got unified in there efforts and pulled together with Florida’s leadership!

  2. Anything but what “Florida Man” does! Someone told me we live in America, so we are doing exactly what the fxck we want to do. What they do or don’t do in Florida, does not concern us in the least bit.

  3. Maine Gov. General Mills is dictating vaxx for all medical workers. Trying to buy us off by sending half the surplus income taxes she collected back so we forget that she closed everything except Walmart down and her other dictatorial actions during China virus.
    She’s refusing to separate with and of covid deaths.
    You know, what Dirty Dems do.

  4. After all I have read from many various sources and statistics about what this VAXXI..(er…bio-weapon) has done to people and also to several of my friends and relatives, I look at anyone who wants to intimidate and/or force me to get jabbed, exactly as someone pointing a loaded gun at me, and I will immediately react in justifiable self-defense.


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