“Bud Lighted” – IOTW Report

“Bud Lighted”

14 Comments on “Bud Lighted”

  1. I posted this in the earlier thread, but it bears repeating: Had the FBI been investigating a producer of child pornography and wanting access to a Liberty safe to gather evidence there is absolutely no way Liberty would have given up the access code with out a subpoena and then they would have fought tooth and nail.

    Absolutely no way in hell. They are owned by an investment firm and that investment firm is run by a guy who maxed out his donations to a veritable whose who of the Democrat Party.

    They shit in their own mess kit here. This had been below the radar, now the things that are coming out will make Butwiper and their stupidity look like a blip on the radar.

  2. I recently decided against buying another Canon safe, even though I like them, as they are made in Mexico. Remington safes were out of the question as they are made in China. Liberty safes are made in the USA, but if the A-holes running the company are aligned with the left, I’ll keep searching. I’ve been waiting for Tractor Supply to run the Liberty safe I wanted on sale and I was going to buy it. No longer!

  3. Why would the corrupt FBI need the access code anyway? If they have a legal search warrant for its contents, they will gladly destroy the safe to get inside if the owner won’t open it for them. Sounds like they want to access the safe without the owner’s knowledge or a search warrant. Never, ever trust the corrupt FBI. They are America’s KGB.

  4. Liberty Safe made the worst possible decision. Not just from a 4th Amendment view point, but more importantly from a marketing viewpoint.
    If the police had a search warrant, Liberty Safe should have refused and tell the bastards to call a locksmith like every other LE Agency. BOOM! sales would have doubled!
    The employee who made this decision should be canned!

  5. AGAIN….

    “According to local locksmith….
    All digital safes have an emergency factory code….
    but he or you can change it….
    so you’ll have two (2) personal codes or….

    ~$300 + labor….he’ll install a mechanical dial lock.”


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