Budapest and Warsaw Under Attack Because ‘Hungary and Poland are Standing in the Way of George Soros’ – IOTW Report

Budapest and Warsaw Under Attack Because ‘Hungary and Poland are Standing in the Way of George Soros’

Breitbart: The Hungarian government says that conservative Central European countries — particularly their own and nearby Poland — are being attacked by the European Union because they are “standing in the way of George Soros”, the billionaire financier and open borders activist.


The Hungarians believe that EU officials — who have met with Soros at the highest level — have adopted the so-called ‘Soros Plan’ for mass immigration into Europe more or less wholesale, including recommendations to accept an influx of some one million migrants per year, and to redistribute them throughout the bloc through a mandatory quota scheme imposed by Qualified Majority Vote.

“The Hungarian Government absolutely and resolutely rejects every point of the ‘Soros Plan’, and continues to be against allowing one million migrants into Europe every year, the demolishing of the border security fence, the 9 million forints in aid to be provided to every migrant and the mandatory resettlement quota, in addition to which it also rejects the punishment of Central European countries [by the European Union],” declared Bence Tuzsonm, Hungary’s Minister of State for Government Communication.  read more

15 Comments on Budapest and Warsaw Under Attack Because ‘Hungary and Poland are Standing in the Way of George Soros’

  1. It’s hard to even comprehend the level of self destruction going on in Europe now, and tho on a smaller scale the insanity has taken root here also. Some dark days ahead.

  2. How does one say “With mewling respect, if you don’t stop being murderous psychopaths, we’ll buy you all cookies and be very disappointed.” in Hungarian?

  3. Ok, I’ll say it. Why doesn’t someone just delete him and his children and his brother. His Israeli guards aren’t that good expecially if one doesn’t expect to survive the attack themselves. Better yet have an emergencey that forces his plane along with all his family down in Poland or Hungary. As few days with the interrogators and we’ll have all the names of those who have been bribed, all the plans and where all his money is which i’m sure he’d be hsppy to sign over.

  4. “george soros thinks this, and george soros wants that, and george soros is doing this…..”

    How can ONE person, who’s will is so contrary to the welfare of so many, how can he get away with being…. such a dick !?

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