Buh-Bye! CA cafe owner leaves America because, Trump! – IOTW Report

Buh-Bye! CA cafe owner leaves America because, Trump!

Blazing Cat Fur: Don’t let the door hit you…

‘We are deporting ourselves’: Businessman and family quit Trump’s America in disgust

A man who employs six people in California is so fed up of fighting to remain in the US he and his family have “deported” themselves.

Khaled Altarkeet, the owner of a café in San Jose, donated leftover food to Catholic charities before boarding a plane to Kuwait with his wife and four children after he was unable to extend his business visa.

“I’m shutting the business and forgetting the United States,” he told The Mercury News. “I will find another country that is more accepting and willing to take my investments, since this place doesn’t want us.”  MORE HERE

29 Comments on Buh-Bye! CA cafe owner leaves America because, Trump!

  1. So the guy made up the story of being the Owner to re-appy and got caught as a Poser, good Riddance to you and your little Mohammad’s and future Mohammad’s don’t forget Grandpa Mohommad the Bomb maker & your’e Persian welfare Queen too !

  2. Interesting that he donated the extra food to a Catholic charity instead of to his mosque. This is good news today, 6 leaving California and ICE wasn’t involved!

  3. I love the bewildered, angry immigration lawyer leeches…

    “Normally, for a visa extension, we do it in our sleep,” Mr Altarkeet’s lawyer, Steven Riznyk, told the newspaper. “We don’t have problems with extensions. All of a sudden, lawyers are calling me, asking, ‘What the heck is going on?’ Everyone is getting these crazy decisions and don’t know what to do with it.”

    Hey Riznyk, why don’t you go cry to the Ninth Circus?

  4. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸This makes me want to drink 🍸 so happy about this news. Get the hell out of my country.. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 We don’t need your fuc ass here.

  5. It’s not that we don’t want industrious, hard working people.
    It’s that we expect you to follow the law of the land to enter and stay.

    And we appreciate when your visa was denied, you respected the law and are leaving.

    Good luck in Kuwait.

  6. At least he is true to his word. Silly people threaten to leave the country but don’t. I’ve offered to pack their bags, drive them to the airport, pay their airfare.

    So far, they’re still here.

  7. @AbigailAdams–ICE has been on a raid binge in the Bay Area and have arrested over 230 illegals within 4 days. I think Kahled got a leg up on ICE and felt it better to self deport than to have his family visit him in jail.

  8. I smell missing ingredients. There was careful mention of taxes paid and then all the bias in the world to overload. Somehow this is Trump’s fault? First of all, half the employees in different departments are flunky leftovers and the other half are probably applying the law the way it was supposed to be from the get go – for example the guy got a tourist visa when his L-1 was denied? Why would you get a tourist visa to run a business? Also, it says he didn’t prove he was the manager or owner; I’m curious to know what documentation or information he provided to appeal that decision.

    Why did the guy want to come here in the first place? The article (or the one it links to) mentions he own a lumber business in Kuwait, so he must have been doing ok, yet he somehow had a bunch of money he was dying to burn in our country instead of his?

    Personally, I really don’t give a FF about his butt hurt over the sign saying, “Deport them all.” Democrats produced this by flouting laws for decades and then flinging it in our faces with such glee and hatred for anything at all representing America. Simply obeying the law is all we wanted, but they were so power hungry they were willing to destroy their own country to preside over the garbage heap left over. If they seriously didn’t consider that they were alienating a good portion of the country as they pet their toy immigrants and kicked Americans to the curb, I don’t really care. Our anger is showing now in a big way; they had plenty of opportunity to dial it back. Now they can go fuck themselves and their wannabe Democrat voters can do the same.

    Immigrate here legally, obey our laws and respect our culture and I will support you all the way. We don’t owe you a fucking thing.


    That’s the media’s propaganda when their people pout and move away.

    SECEDE! This guy has it right. You can’t live side-by-side with each other, have to move away

  10. Goldenfoxx — I know, I read about it today 🙂 So nice that our country is finally deporting these rats, huh? I think the Lefties are finally starting to notice that POTUS Trump meant what he said on the stump. Just need more to go.

    And I really think this guy had run out of weasel-y options and would have been deported for visa violations. Can you imagine thinking you and your family are entitled to just stay in another country illegally? And if there are any people in the world who could justify exercising that option it would be Americans — since we’ve paid to liberate and rebuild most of them!

  11. So, it’s working. They’re leaving voluntarily. That’s how you measure a working policy. Is it happening? Cool. At what cost is this win? Well, we didn’t have to risk any lives, money, or time getting here. Total win.


    They can throw around as many words as they want, but they’re leaving because they know they’re outside of the legal parameters and have been operating on bull shit. Which is how and when the visas stopped being congruent with reality.

  12. Says his L-1 Business Visa was denied. Doesn’t sound like this was a principled decision on his part. More like he wore out his welcome and options were exhausted.

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