Bundy trial defendants want ‘politically motivated’ prosecutors to ‘pay dearly’ for misconduct – IOTW Report

Bundy trial defendants want ‘politically motivated’ prosecutors to ‘pay dearly’ for misconduct

BPR: Two men charged and acquitted for their roles in the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff are suing the federal government for damages from the “demonstrably false charges,” according to the men’s attorney.

Rick Lovelien and Steven Stewart were brought up on 10 charges including conspiracy and assault of a federal agent after they participated in a standoff with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy against Bureau of Land Management (BLM) law enforcement officers. Lovelien and Stewart were acquitted of all charges and released from prison on Aug. 22, 2017.

The men are suing the federal prosecutors involved in the case, the BLM, FBI and various former and current officials including former FBI director James Comey. The plaintiffs are suing for $60 million in damages.  more here

9 Comments on Bundy trial defendants want ‘politically motivated’ prosecutors to ‘pay dearly’ for misconduct

  1. Well, it appears the taxpayers take another one in the butt and the federal employees are free and clear of any consequences.

    So what deters them the next time they lie, withhold evidence or destroy evidence? Nothing at all, unless they are “personally” liable.

  2. Corruption, mismanagement, abuse of office – all forms of tyranny, in fact, should be capital offenses.

    If these maggots paid with their lives, after ALL their assets had been seized, and their families deprived of their pensions, they would begin to take it seriously.

    Until then, as Cato writes, the taxpayers are the only ones taking a hit.

    The corrupt lawyers, the corrupt judges, the corrupt BATFE, the corrupt FBI, and the corrupt BLM (no, not #BLM) will laugh up their sleeves at the dummies fighting the dummies while the guilty go free.

    Randy Weaver “won” but his wife and son are still dead.
    And those who murdered them are free – think about that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. In lieu of $60 million would they settle for all the agents and their supervisors and anyone else in the chain of command that made this bullshit possible, being turned lose in 100 square miles with only flip-flops, a canteen of sparkling water and a gold fish for food.
    They in turn get to track them down with drones, 4X4s, horses and any weapon they desire. Plus they can bring as many friend along as they want.
    What happens to the corrupt agents when they capture them is up to them.

  4. End qualified immunity for government agents. If they faced personal civil or criminal liability for their actions, this jackbooted zealotry would end.


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