Bureau of Land Management takes Comments On World’s Biggest Solar Boondoggle – IOTW Report

Bureau of Land Management takes Comments On World’s Biggest Solar Boondoggle


Meet the new federal Western Solar Plan. Much of the land in the Western US is federal and managed by the appropriately named Bureau of Land Management or BLM. In some Western States, over 50% of the land is federal.

Using that land control, BLM has just proposed a monstrous (in size and scope) plan for solar power development called the Western Solar Plan. The Plan covers the eleven westernmost states, from border to border. From Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington state, and Wyoming. more

18 Comments on Bureau of Land Management takes Comments On World’s Biggest Solar Boondoggle

  1. Never underestimate the government’s ability to fuck things up. BLM, just like all the other alphabet maggots, should be disbanded and all members imprisoned in Siberia.

  2. “Federal Land” is totally ok in my book
    and there is always a howdyever

    When ranch and parks and trails and public LAND gets mixed into the mix for somebody elses buck and holdings, fuck that.

    Thats my comment.
    If you take our PUBLIC land that we can freely walk on and give it to a contractor that will fence off 100,000 of ACRES and arrest you if you walk on it and I don’t even get a reach around in return HOWEVER actually have to also PAY FOR IT to be built? I say “F U J B”

    I say a plan like that is something Berry would have built.

    And THEY built it. Yes, they did.

    But WE can Fix It

  3. Remind all these idiot Scointists that ALL Energy on planet Earth comes from … the Sun. All Man can do is transform it.

    Here’s an idea: rather than building junk eyesores, rather than grifting money on stone stupid schemes (can you say corn-ethanol motor fuels?!), rather than run toward another failure… why not capture the Sun’s energy better (without supporting Commie China) via tapping GEOTHERMAL ENERGY?
    Invulnerable to terrorism, hail, meteors, weather fluctuations, water usage for washing solar panels, yada yada…
    and if they really want to do it right, small nuclear reactors also buried underground to power the heatpumps.

    Please God, cull the Stoopids from the lands….

  4. The environmentalists will have a fit, IIRC they’ve already shut down proposed solar panel farms in the Mojave Desert. If they can’t find an endangered species in the neighborhood then they’ll plant one.

  5. Currently, to power approximately 141-million homes in the U.S. ONLY, with solar panels, would require (ideally) 22,000 square miles of stable, contiguous, mostly flat and barren land surfaces to build solar farms reasonably near these homes…BUT! They forgot a few more-sobering (costly, and, “I deliberately forgot to mention”) details:

    This does not include power for non-domicile housing of commercial and government buildings, 24-hours/day availability for recharging/powering all electrical-powered vehicles/machinery/equipment (public & private land, sea and air, transport/shipping – cars, trucks, construction plus manufacturing equipment) and everything else once powered via carbon energy, PLUS the extra energy needed to carry the extra weight of the heavy batteries on all powered, moving vehicles, AND stationary, energy-storage, back-up batteries, etc…. BUT…Don’t forget…

    …much more significant amounts of Infra-Red HEAT and Sunlight energy will be ABSORBED (instead of being reflected back to outer space, AND now, no longer supporting photosynthesis from, now, vast, barren land masses and lakes that were cleared for “GREEN ENERGY” construction of solar farms. Also, if the much-touted conspiracy theory of “chem-trails” is true in order to reflect the heat and sunlight back from the upper atmosphere to outer space, what “bare bones” efficient use would there then be for solar farms?

    So, now, let’s estimate (for an example), that slightly more than half the World’s home population of four billion future homes, world-wide, will be supplied with solar energy, which includes all the above-mentioned infrastructure to replace carbon energy. Also, note, this does NOT include all the damage and costs caused by the changeover to toxic metal mining, transport, shipping, spillage, yearly repair, maintenance and replacement, massive loss of natural photosynthetic production of Oxygen and animal life, et al….which may necessitate immediately halting most all further GREEN ENERGY efforts before it becomes too late to reverse and return back to a pre- “GREEN ENERGY” level where most all carbon-based, organic and plant life depend on photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and its byproduct, Oxygen.

    From the conservative land-use estimate given above for a “GREEN ENERGY” replacement, requiring vast and cleared landscapes of plant life once feeding herbivores, insects, plant growth and photosynthesis, therefore:

    As stated above, to power approximately 141-million homes (ONLY) with solar farms, this would require (ideally) 22,000 square miles of stable, contiguous, mostly flat and barren land surfaces to build solar farms reasonably near these homes. So, now, let’s extend this theoretical ability to include slightly more than HALF the world’s human population, at approximately four-billion homes. Therefore

    (4,000-M/141-M)homes equals [28.36] times more solar energy needed.

    (sq.root of 22,000 sq.miles) [for 141-M homes] equals

    (148.32 miles) X (28.36) equals

    4206.4 linear miles needed for 4-billion homes. So,

    4206.4 (squared) equals

    17,690,436 square miles of solar farms are need to power 4-Billion homes Worldwide

  6. Follow-up calculations from finding out how much land area is needed to know how much is needed to provide energy to 17,690,436 square miles of solar farms. The first four top countries of the largest to smallest land areas are as follows:

    NEEDED: 17,690,436 square miles

    1.) Russia – 17,075,400 sq. miles
    2.) Canada – 9,984,670
    3.) USA – 9,834,633
    4.) China – 9,572,900

    Which means, Russia wins. Except their ENTIRE COUNTRY would have to be more than covered by solar farms to ALMOST furnish enough “GREEN ENERGY” to cover 4-Billion World-Wide homes with solar energy….for “about” less than one-half a 24-hour day.

    ….GEE!!!, Mr. Captain Green Energy Man! You’re the Greatest! B-B-B-But the World — RIGHT NOW!…needs to make up their minds whether to kick the New-World Disorder, pseudo-science asses NOW, or later… After it is too late!


    Clycluntus, Corncopulous Clunch, Jr.

  7. There are a bunch of solar “farms” near me. Last spring I realized that there is grass growing between each row of collectors. I watched carefully as I drove by them last summer, and there they were…guys with gas powered riding mowers, push mowers and string trimmers marching down each row. Some of these farms are so big that the crew does this non-stop all summer. Pathetic…

  8. This is indeed a monumental step towards sustainable energy! Harnessing the power of the sun across such a vast expanse of land could significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to mitigating climate change. It’s encouraging to see the Bureau of Land Management taking such a proactive approach to renewable energy. I’m eager to see how the Western Solar Plan unfolds and the impact it will have on these states and the country as a whole. Thanks for sharing this exciting news!

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