Burger King to close up to 400 locations in 2023 – IOTW Report

Burger King to close up to 400 locations in 2023

(Natural News) Fast food chain Burger King is set to close up to 400 locations across the country this year, with the under-performing ones being the first to go.

According to the Daily Mail, Burger King CEO Joshua Kobza confirmed the closures after the company announced its results for the first quarter of 2023. The earnings release noted that from the start of the year until March, Burger King closed 124 locations – leaving 6,964 restaurants still operating. This is a historic high, said Kobza, as the fast food chain usually closes a couple of hundred stores annually.

However, the CEO clarified that not all of the 300 to 400 locations set to close this year have been revealed. He also admitted that there is “a fair degree of uncertainty” around the plans. Sales performance can vary greatly between Burger King locations; one poorly-performing location could see things turn out in its favor the next month.

The company is seeking additional franchisees with stronger finances this year, according to Burger King Chairman Patrick Doyle. He also hinted at the possibility of under-performing franchisees being axed. more

33 Comments on Burger King to close up to 400 locations in 2023

  1. No set time for the next phony pandemics arrival leaves most of us wondering if we should stock up on peanut butter. You’d think the CDC would know.

  2. It’s almost like doing everything you could to appeal to the Afrocentrist market, right down to dressing your staff in “Africa” colors, was a stupid business plan.

  3. The combination of phony char-broiled burger flavoring and onion rings that if they were honest they would call somewhat-onion-flavored starch-and-fat rings made it ease many years ago to cross BK off my fast-food list. Yecch.

  4. In total, I estimate that I’ve eaten at Booger’s about three times in my life – all over 30 years ago.

    Bye bye, Booger King. Why not close them all?

  5. I hope the local one is on the chopping block, maybe get something edible.
    Taco Bell is out as well. They reduced costs by eliminating the meat. 3 layers of tortilla, lettuce, tomato, and cheese.

  6. As fast food burger joints go, I prefer Culver’s and Freddy’s. Carls Jr is good but all the ones I’ve been in look like they could use about 20% more cleaning. Overall, I try to limit my fast food intake.

  7. Maybe your restaurant locations wouldn’t be “underperforming” if your slop didn’t have the flavor & consistency of warmed-over char-broiled dogshit.
    Just a thought.

  8. Yeah, Cmn¢¢guy, they didn’t even have the decency to replace the meat with bugs!

    (Bugs are not meat – they’re protoplasmic goo in pastel colors of yellow, green or orange with crunch exoskeletons that get stuck in your teeth.)

  9. Can’t imagine why they’re closing “restaurants” in the greatest economic boom in the History of the Republic.

    Don’t make sense.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The BK down the road from where I work closed 2 or 3 weeks ago. No fanfare, no announcement, no surprise either. One day they were open and the next morning on the way to work I noticed all signage and sign of life were removed.

    I guess the gay king couldn’t deliver the customers. No skin off my back, since I stopped eating at fast food restaurants over 20 years ago.

  11. I’ll tell you what is making them underperform.

    Biden’s inflation in Biden’s America.

    Try walking out of there paying less than $12 for a meal. You can’t.

    And after paying $12+ for a meal, not only do you feel like shit, you’re also hungry again in about 2 hours. Empty calories.

    I’d rather eat brightly colored food fried in sand, probably at a more reasonable price.

  12. I’ll predict that they close all Burger King’s in ghetto neighborhoods, ones where chimp outs occur frequently, and where there’s too many homeless people. Also, they’re looking at the food chain supply I would imagine. We’ll see many restaurants closing.

  13. skmyvrga at 1:00 pm

    taco-hell, ur next

    I don’t eat there, but they became woke, saw a big tranny model pushing their crap food on their front window. Close them all! I don’t care.

  14. “…onion rings that if they were honest they would call somewhat-onion-flavored starch-and-fat rings…”

    Without a doubt, the worst tasting onion rings ever. The guy cooking with sand or salt instead of oil…makes better onion rings than BK.

  15. What’s up with the flood of Wendy’s commercials? They come on every five minutes. They feature a black guy in his forties and a geeky, red-headed, whiter-than-white teenager. They are just too damn enthusiastic while performing their duties in an entry level job. I never worked in fast food, but if I had, I’d have moved on as soon as possible to a more meaningful job. Flipping meat patties is great for high school kids who need money for prom night or for someone who likes to stay busy and make a few bucks doing it.

  16. Uncle Al AT 12:23 PM “phony char-broiled burger flavoring”

    Actually an honest thing. They really are char broiled with flames.

    The processed onion rings are the worst, though. Just like chicken nuggets everywhere else. Chopped and formed for uniform results and convenience.

  17. Mr Illustr8r stopped at Carl’s Jr. on his way home today. His burger was a soggy mess. Usually they are pretty good. The fries were inedible. Coated and fried in something and barely any “potato” inside.

    As with all the places in our town they are advertising for help. Guess the Sunday crew hasn’t mastered cooking yet.

  18. When I was nine years old, mumbly mumble years ago, Dad took the family to the new Burger King in town. While we stood in line, we watched the burgers going down a conveyor over flames. It was the best thing I had ever tasted (we never grilled anything).

    Haven’t been to one in years.

  19. @Anonymous at 8:37 pm –

    I don’t know if you’re the pink, green, purple haired Anonymous from the other thread, but crime is not the reason BK is closing stores. Crappy food and labor shortages are.

  20. i suspect that they don’t actually have the broiler conveyor thingy anymore. the burgers taste like they are flash seared & then frozen before being shipped to the stores & microwaved or something. every burger king that i’ve been to in recent years has also been ridiculously mismanaged. even at off hours, really, really slow. lunch rush? forget about it… the double whopper used to be one of my favorite burgers. not anymore. yuck.

  21. I don’t understand. BK was a big sponsor of public sex prided events where democrats would take their children to watch other democrats walk around naked with dog faces on. Go woke go broke.

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