Buried Study Shows Virus DNA Sequence Owned by Moderna – IOTW Report

Buried Study Shows Virus DNA Sequence Owned by Moderna

New Studies Revive Wet Market Covid Origin | Buried Study Shows Virus DNA Sequence Owned by Moderna

12 Comments on Buried Study Shows Virus DNA Sequence Owned by Moderna

  1. So the same motherfuckers who — for two fucking years — told us that the wet market origin was impossible are now telling us that it was definitely the wet market after all?

  2. Kcir: “If they own it, can i sue them for 2 years of Terrorizing the planet?”

    Anonymous: “No, Donald J Trump, signed into law when he fast tracked the vaccines, these companies can not be sued.”

    No, they have immunity from prosecution if you were injured from the vaccines, not if you were injured from the virus itself. If it can be proven that they were responsible for the creation of Covid and/or its release, then they’re fair game.

  3. Learn how to Google: “Heatsync, that was signed by Reagan…”

    Changes nothing, and I’m not the one who claimed it was granted by Trump. The immunity is from prosecution from the effects of a vaccine, not for creating and unleashing a bio-weapon on the world.

  4. It ain’t the injury that will bring them to heel, it will be their collusion in the deception and mandated that will be their undoing. The deception and hiding the truth is what got the cigarette companies.

    That adds precedent to what was already not a smart long term move.

  5. The way people “own” imaginary “property”, is by bribing the government to go to war (literally literal war) against anyone that doesn’t bribe them enough, to be left alone.

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