‘Burn in Hell!’ – IOTW Report

‘Burn in Hell!’

NeonNettle- Families of slain U.S. service members, who died in the terrorist attack at Kabul airport last week, slammed Democrat Joe Biden during the ceremony for the dignified transfer of remains of the 13 soldiers on Sunday, according to reports.

Family members who attended the service have since recalled the raw emotions that were on display during the ceremony that Biden attended.

Biden was sharply criticized for his behavior at the ceremony after he appeared to check his watch while the remains of 11 Marines, one Army soldier, and a Navy corpsman were received.

According to Mark Schmitz, the father of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, one woman screamed at Biden across the airport tarmac, “I hope you burn in hell! That was my brother.”

Schmitz, whose son was killed in the suicide bombing attacks outside the Kabul Airport, recalled the events to the Washington Post.

Mr. Schmitz added that he attended the ceremony with his ex-wife and accused Biden of “glaring” at her while he was speaking. more

14 Comments on ‘Burn in Hell!’

  1. Firget this “lack of empathy” nonsense. It’s obvious what’s going on: Biden surveyed the group at Dover, and he saw that there were no young girls. The anger and frustration welled up inside him until he could no longer hide it. You want a happy Joe, bring a kid next time.

  2. He WILL burn in hell. That’s a given for a reprobate mind such as what’s left of his.

    Doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t deploy a short rope and a long drop to speed up the day that starts…

  3. Joey was obviously agitated. Grammy Jill told him they were going to Chucky Cheese. Then they told him, no, you can’t sit in the cockpit and play with the buttons.

    It’s got to be hard for him; perpetually addled, always confused, people forever grabbing him to point him in the right direction, unaware what he is supposed to do or say. It would would be so much easier, on Joe and the rest of of us, if he could just stay home, hooked up to his oxygen canister and let Susan Rice make all the speeches. She is after-all the real president right now.

  4. All part of the PLAN.
    Biden is a pimple on the ass of the problem.
    How does the truth ever come out?
    Morning news, GLOBAL digital vaccine passports.
    For a fake virus.
    With a fake vaccine.
    Mandated by a FAKE government.

  5. Is there a list of the parents who children were killed in this event, who voted for Biden for President. Some of the fault lies with them if they did vote for him. Impeach that MF’er! It won’t change anything that happened, it will change the future. Democrats won’t recover any time soon. They’re scared $hitless on the elections coming up in 2022. They’ll have to get rid of Biden before that – too many Dim seats are up for grabs. Repugs will take back both houses, with Kameltoes in the lead – maybe. The muzzies will kill more Americans and thus the fight starts all over again – except the muzzies are better equipped to fight us with our own weaponry. Brilliant move demented Joe! Problem I see is that Kameltoes isn’t qualified to be Pres and the Dims know it.

  6. Bozo was trying to figure out how to get behind her to smell her hair! He is such a disgrace and embarrassment to all Americans and has turned his back on our beloved and well respected military troops. I bet my father (Army Vet) is rolling in his grave. So sad what Bozo has done to this great country. God bless and save our America!

  7. Had enough yet, .mil?

    …you know, you guys and LEO are the ONLY reason there’s still such a thing as Democrats. If they couldn’t cower behind you after every time they punch America, they wouldn’t survive a single fight, because America loves its warriors and its police and isn’t willing to go to war with YOU, because YOU are US and WE are YOU.

    …Too bad you two can’t just take a day off and let the people apply the sort of correction the Founders intended and prescribed for just such a time as this.

    In 24 hours we could save this nation, and truly end this evil in our time, the only way evil CAN be ended.

    …if you could just take a day off…

  8. Why does Boo Radley Obiden Bama’s oldest son, Joseph Robinette Biden III, (also known as Beau the Martyred Dead One Who Never Saw Combat) always get compared to the real men and women who died under this befuddled, cognitively impaired, illegally installed, imbecile’s speeches and conversations with complete strangers? What about Robert Hunter Biden, (also known as Humper the Living Bagman who Boofed Hallie, the widow of the Martyred Dead One)? I’m thinking that Humper’s service in the Ukrainian Navy and the Chinese Intelligence Service needs to be mentioned once in awhile, or Humper might return to his crack cocaine habit. Wait a damned minute! Did Humper just get busted again?


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