Bush appointed, Pro- BLM Federal Judge Halts Donald Trump’s Travel Ban – IOTW Report

Bush appointed, Pro- BLM Federal Judge Halts Donald Trump’s Travel Ban

Robart is a George W. Bush appointee. He made national headlines last year when he declared during a hearing in a case involving policing practices in Seattle that “Black lives matter.” He is believed to be the first federal judge to cite the activist phrase during from the federal bench.

DailyCaller: A federal judge in Seattle has issued an injunction temporarily halting President Donald Trump’s executive order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries.

U.S. District Judge James Robart issued the injunction in response to a lawsuit filed by Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson earlier this week.

Trump’s controversial executive order, announced last Friday, banned travel from Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, and Yemen for 90 days. It also halted the flow of refugees from Syria and Iraq for 120 days while the Department of Homeland Security develops better vetting methods.  READ MORE

25 Comments on Bush appointed, Pro- BLM Federal Judge Halts Donald Trump’s Travel Ban

  1. Since when does a district judge rule the nation over the president? And since when do non-citizens living in a foreign nation have constitutional rights?

    That guy is asking for trouble, and his decision is certain to be over-ruled.
    (nice bow tie though) :rolleyes

  2. I just don’t get it. How can one Judge in Seattle APPOINTED by a past President overrule a current President ELECTED by the citizens of the United States? And where is it written in our Constitution that people from other countries have our constitutional rights?

  3. Foreign nationals have “standing” to challenge a President’s EO, yet NOT ONE American citizen or group had standing to challenge in any US court the fraudulent pResident who to this date has kept his identity and history a secret.

  4. First, as you all really know, yes, federal judges get to rule on federal rules. Anywhere. For the entire federal government. If you don’t want a judge in East Podunk having imperial rule over the entire country, don’t allow federal rules to be imposed over the entire country.

    Second, while the suit was brought in Seattle, by the Washington Attorney General, it was joined by the State of Minnesota, and supported by the government created entities Amazon, Expedia, and Microsoft.

  5. Boycotts and buycotts against entities anointed too big to fail are pointless. If what they do causes catastrophic results, for themselves, they simply have their people in government change the rules, after the results are in, to make sure they still succeed. For the greater good, of course.

    As with the post-Soviet, proto-Russian oligarchs, the only way to alter their behavior is to destroy them. That isn’t intended as inflammatory meme rhetoric. They run, at least critical components of, the national government for their own pleasure. Theoretically, you could eliminate the oligarchs’ interference in The American Government by eliminating The American Government. Not only is such “failed state” status not what those seeking solutions are seeking, but it will not eliminate the oligarchs’ interference. Though it may adversely affect profits, it still leaves them in command of their forces.

    They have advocated regicide. Their first attempts have failed. Were the government not overrun with quislings, I’d say that was very bad, indeed. But it is, so it’s not. Yet. Yet on both.

  6. I’m not convinced DOJ is wholeheartedly defending the EO in court. When asked by the judge how many refugees from the 7 states had committed a terrorist attack in the US since 9/11, DOJ Bennett said she didn’t know.
    Any 1st yr law student knows the courts challenge the merit of the case. That she didn’t know this basic info and have 3 arguments for backup tells me the EO is on shaky ground until Sessions takes over DOJ.

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