Bush Official Who Worked With McCain’s Dossier Dealer Is Trying To Get Into The Trump State Department – IOTW Report

Bush Official Who Worked With McCain’s Dossier Dealer Is Trying To Get Into The Trump State Department

BLP: Bush administration deputy assistant secretary David Merkel is trying to get back into the State Department in the Trump administration, Big League Politics has confirmed with multiple high-ranking administration sources.

“Very interesting intro,” Merkel said to me when Big League Politics contacted him to inquire about his angling for the State Department job. “I really don’t have anything to do with the dossier. I don’t have anything to say.”

David Merkel is the husband of Claire Sechler Merkel, the McCain Institute’s senior director of Arizona programs and a former Cindy McCain chief of staff and John McCain presidential campaign staffer. David Merkel has worked directly with David Kramer, the McCain Institute senior fellow who passed on the debunked Christopher Steele dossier during the “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” plot against President Donald Trump.

It turns out that David Merkel and David Kramer actually worked together to get Obama’s Russia ambassador Mike McFaul confirmed, before McFaul was photographed sitting directly in front of Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian set-up agent in the Don Jr. Trump Tower meeting who coordinated with Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson.   read more

9 Comments on Bush Official Who Worked With McCain’s Dossier Dealer Is Trying To Get Into The Trump State Department

  1. Know who else is serving in the Trump admin? Meghan McCain’s FIL, (Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Affairs Doug Domenech), who btw is under investigation.

    Funny, I’ve never heard her mention this.

  2. Audit the McCain Institute, PDT. That viperous shit-hole is full of Globalists, Humas and EUnuchs. And anything cooked up by McKeatingFive has to be corrupt as hell.

    Maybe wait until your second term, because the screeching from the Estabs is going to be deafening. You could audit the Clinton Foundation at the same time, so it would be bipartisan. Maverick would appreciate the gesture, I’m sure.

  3. Engelburka Engelburka, you mean Nevertrumper Ben Domenech’s dad? lol I remember Ben at RedState. He had a little plagiarism scandal, as I recall.

  4. Thirdtwin. That’d be the one. I listen to Domenech’s podcast The Federalist. In all fairness, he actually has some interesting guests and intelligent topics. Further, I’ve never heard him badmouth Trump. Quite the opposite. Of course he probably has a different audience now. Bread n butter!

    Now how he handles his pudgy wife is another mystery. Must be hell straddling that fence, in more ways than one.

  5. Not any more I should think. Any State Department official that hires this guy knows his balls (or ovaries in the case of a her) will be removed by a Trump official. The Lib/Progs in State may have thought they had nothing to fear even with Trump in office are rapidly changing that viewpoint and trying to stay invisible.


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