Businesses adopted stricter health policies, even as dire predictions didn’t materialize – IOTW Report

Businesses adopted stricter health policies, even as dire predictions didn’t materialize

Just The News: Some stores have doubled down on safety policies, but how long into the future will they persist?

Coronavirus in the United States has brought with it no small amount of dire predictions, including that 200,000 Americans were poised to die this spring in an outbreak that would bring the medical system to its knees. 

Albeit, more than 50,000 Americans have died and nearly 1 million have been confirmed to be infected. But thankfully, the worst case scenario has not yet come to pass. And there are positive, though qualified, signs the country is beginning to recover.

Most of the U.S. medical system has avoided being overwhelmed. Outside of a few densely populated hotspots, hospitals have largely seen no major crush of COVID-19 patients, to the point that many of them are laying off staff due to lack of patients. States such as Florida, which it was imagined would be overrun with COVID-19 patients due to their less-than-strict lockdown measures, have not, as of yet, seen a surge of coronavirus hospitalizations; indeed, an influential COVID-19 model last week downgraded Florida’s death forecast by 70 percentKEEP READING

10 Comments on Businesses adopted stricter health policies, even as dire predictions didn’t materialize

  1. Too many people, and businesses, are using this virus as an excuse to act like assholes and treat people like cattle, or worse. Any business doing this should avoided like a virus.

  2. When people are so obviously wrong so many times, why do we leave them in positions of leadership where we follow their recommendations and take actions that are detrimental to us over and over again?

    Who’s actually giving the orders here, who is at the top of the command chain?

  3. At some point we’ll realize we’ve been punked.
    Most will be so relieved that the perpetrators of the hoax will escape un-chastised.
    Much to our shame.
    The abuses they have institutionalized will remain as shackles long after we understand that the Wuhan Flu is simply another corona-virus flu out of many.
    Their continuing efforts at establishing widespread vote fraud to counter President Trump’s popularity will have devastating consequences unless checked. The people of VA may never regain their “rights.”

    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I don’t buy the 50,000 number. These clowns count you as a “Covid-19 victim” if you die in a car crash on the way to get tested, for Pete’s sake.

  5. The lines to get into Home Depot and other stores really are testing my patience. Being told how and where to stand in line to pay reminds me of grade school. I’m three feet from the side of a blue line on the floor and some store monitor points to the line and corrects me. I have to be on it straight. They try that again and I’m leaving and they can put it all back. You ain’t got my money yet.

  6. Toenex…I did that. Had an over-loaded grocery cart right after working all day and when I went to check out only ONE register was open. The line was about a dozen people so I left the cart right there and walked out.


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