Businesses surprised by new health prices rule; could face $100 a day fines – IOTW Report

Businesses surprised by new health prices rule; could face $100 a day fines

New requirement is the product of Trump administration efforts to make health care prices more transparent.

JTN: A new federal regulation on healthcare price transparency could cost employers nationwide $100 a day if they don’t comply. Yet many industry groups say they aren’t even aware the rule exists.

That includes the Association of Washington Business, or AWB. Communications Director Jason Hagey told The Center Square the group is “more heavily focused on the state level (regulations) than the federal level.” AWB has 7,000 members that employ 700,000 workers.

Also unaware of the new rule was the Washington Food Industry Association, according to President and CEO Tammie Hendrick. The association’s members employ more than 23,000 workers. more here

5 Comments on Businesses surprised by new health prices rule; could face $100 a day fines

  1. Our Federal Government has turned employing people into a Liability. So we no longer do. Fanuc robots are damn cheap these days. For relevance, though the 80’s and most the 90’s we had just short of fifty people on our payroll.

  2. Where’s the Outrage as Biden Will Sign Away Our Sovereignty to Tedros Next Week?
    The Pandemic Treaty was big news last year until it was “defeated.” But it wasn’t actually defeated and now it’s about to be signed by Joe Biden. Why is nobody talking about it?

    BY JD RUCKER February 20, 2023

  3. Are Medicare and Medicaid plus the multitude of Federal and State Government plans going to also abide by this regulation to provide how much they’ll pay for any type of procedure or service and show every doctor and medical facility rates nationwide that would meet what the Government insurance providers will pay? This could become a major quagmire for large cities, states, and Feds that have a multitude of insurance providers to make sure they all comply. Medicare will have to scrap their 80/20 crap as well and now show hard numbers as to how much will be paid for any service rendered so retirees can now go where they are willing to pay how much “out of pocket” depending on the service rendered .

  4. You know if the Progs pick up the ball and run with this, they’ll turn it into their typical “half-abortion”, then leave it hanging to try to be fixed beginning in January 2025.


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