Busts signal that Chicoms have quite a labor-trafficking racket in the States – IOTW Report

Busts signal that Chicoms have quite a labor-trafficking racket in the States

American Thinker:

Breitbart News, citing an NBC investigative report, reported that Chinese students have some very easy ways of staying in the U.S. after they get their studies behind them

Numerous U.S.-based companies that got Optional Practical Training (OPT) work permits for Chinese graduates have quietly closed their doors following an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) crackdown and media investigations, according to a report by NBC Bay Area.

“NBC’s efforts to contact officers at 14 suspicious companies [who got many OPT work permits] were met with a series of dead-end business addresses and disconnected phone numbers, ” said the NBC Bay Area report. The report continued:

Emails, phone calls, and social media messages went unanswered by all but two companies. In those two instances, an officer reached by phone verified their identity but declined to discuss their company. Those 14 companies employed more than 5,500 foreign students through the OPT program in 2017, according to ICE records.

The OPT program allows 300,000 foreign graduates to get work permits lasting one to three years if they pay tuition to U.S. universities. The matching Curricular Practical Training (CPT) program gives 100,000 work permits to students each year. These two huge programs offer work permits to 400,000 foreigners each year, even as 800,000 Americans graduate from four-year colleges with skilled degrees.

The OPT and CPT programs are just two of the many visa programs that keep roughly 1.5 million college-trained visa workers in U.S. jobs needed by American graduates. The other programs include the H-1B, L-1, J-1, and TN visa-worker programs.

It’s a long and interesting report, describing how the universities have an incentive to sign off on these phony employment visas, based on the foreign students paying full tuition while in college, and how the employers themselves, when they are real (and not all are), are incentivized to hire foreign workers over American ones based on the DACA-like tax breaks, which mean no forced Medicare or Social Security taxes for these foreign workers.   read more

8 Comments on Busts signal that Chicoms have quite a labor-trafficking racket in the States

  1. I’d be interested in seeing the list of companies.
    One more way Trump can slow down the Chinese would be banning them from working here. I wouldn’t even let them come here for school. The universities live them because they pay cash.

  2. The shocking part is that NBC actually “investigated” anything!
    (the Demonrat Party has been a partially-owned subsidiary of China since Clinton)

    Wobbles the mind!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Chinese restaurants are notorious for trafficking. I won’t eat at buffets anymore. One place …the last place I went to had waitresses so thin and weak they appeared to be starving. Several years ago a report about trafficking in Pennsylvania concluded that most all you can eat buffets are trafficking slaves. Most sushi houses likewise are Chinese owned and trafficked.


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