do it – IOTW Report

do it

23 Comments on do it

  1. Impeach all we want, Senator Ass Pustule Reid won’t remove him in the Senate.

    Ann Barnhardt thinks he’ll be offed as a sacrificial faggot similar to Chris Stevens. Lot of mileage for the commies in that scenario. Lots.

  2. Don’t hold your breath.

    The Republicrats are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    They need to go, too.

    There was sufficient cause to draw up articles of impeachment during its first term and all they did was dither while the country fell to shit because they’d rather see the country destroyed than be called ugly names by anti-American miscreants like Candy Crowley and Ed Schultz. What makes anyone believe they’ll grow balls, now?

  3. @ J Frank Parnell

    If there’s even a whiff that Obama is derailing the Progressive Agenda, he’s toast.

    “No speed bumps allowed” 👿

  4. Look, nobody wants that to happen more than me, but the sad reality is that it AINT gonna happen until the LSM turns on him.

    Now, having said that, let’s keep the movement moving FORWARD! It could happen.

  5. While driving by a gentleman on the street corner with a “impeach Obama” sign, my 10 year old opened the window, stuck out her head, and screamed, “I know, right?”

    I couldn’t have been more proud.

  6. A total waste of time. It is all grandstanding and political rhetoric. The “trial” is held in the Senate and as long as the Senate has a D majority (along with too many RINOs), nothing will happen except a lot of tv exposure for some and a waste of my tax money.

  7. Impeachment don’t mean diddilly dick. Bubba Clinton was impeached but not removed from office. He is now cock o’ walk among the intelligenzia, the mainstream media, and run of the mill socialists. He is best buddy with Herbert Walker Bush. They are saving the world together for Christ sake. Bubba is a fucking hero.
    On Benghazi alone Zero should be removed from office and exiled to Elba, never to set foot on US soil again: never to hear of America again, never to be spoken to by an America again.
    But of course that will never happen. We live in a different age where liars are forgiven or at least brushed aside with a “they all lie” explanation.
    Well if “they all lie” and we the people accept it, then we are doomed as a nation. When a scumbag lies about his so called military service and is elected to office despite being a proven liar, then the electorate are ignoranusi.

    “He who permits himself to tell a lie once finds it much easier to do it a second or third time,’till a length it becomes habitual; he tell lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time deprives all its good dispositions.” Thomas Jefferson 1785, in a letter to a friend.

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