But Does She “Babysit” For Him, Too? – IOTW Report

But Does She “Babysit” For Him, Too?

How Jill Biden’s top adviser now ‘controls everything’ despite claims of sexual harassment, bullying and fixation with ‘size of male staffers’ endowments.’

Daily Mail UK:
After Thursday’s disastrous CNN debate, President Joe Biden and the First Lady Jill tried to get ahead of the inevitable backlash, glossing over the debacle with a flurry of soft-ball publicity appearances.

A quick stop off at a debate viewing party held by ardent Biden-loyalists was followed by a midnight visit to an Atlanta Waffle House.

As the President – still looking stunned after his televised humiliation – greeted fellow diners who awkwardly remained seated, Jill swept up to the counter and giggled: ‘Order for Biden.’

But, for all her slick attempts to paper over the cracks, what happened next seemed highly revealing of her behind-the-scenes panic.

One of the reporters who had made their way into the Waffle House alongside TV crews asked the President how he thought he’d performed in the debate with Donald Trump.

‘I think we did well,’ Biden said, before straining a smile as he was hammered with follow-up questions about ‘concerns’ over his competency.

Then came the blink-and-you-miss-it moment: Just behind Biden, but still in camera shot, Jill glanced across to an otherwise unassuming man, with thinning hair and in a beige suit jacket, who in turn raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes, looking alarmed.

A silent but perhaps telling interaction – for this man was Anthony Bernal, Jill’s ever-present and most senior adviser.

Behind White House walls, Jill refers to Bernal, 51, as her ‘work husband’, with the pair rarely seen apart. more

20 Comments on But Does She “Babysit” For Him, Too?

  1. FTA – “Others allege that Bernal – who is himself gay …”

    Yeah, even before I got to this line the dashboard in my brain was flashing the trouble code: PH0M0

  2. The whole damned bidumb administration is nothing but a giant clusterfuck of demonic proportions. Nothing else can explain how and why there are so many queers and freaks and other sexual perverts working for joey. The door was opened wide when barry our first openly gay presidunce was elected in 2008. And we’ve been taking it in the rear since then, BOHICA! Enough of all queer shit already, joey has got to go and take all the queers and freaks with him.

  3. And before that with slick willie and bj’s in the white house with Monica Lewinsky. And JFK who fucked many women on an almost daily basis while in the white house. Solomon with his 1000 or so wives and concubines was never so busy as our current pervert in chief and look what it cost him. He may have been the wisest man ever, but he was stupid because he had so many wives and etc.

  4. Sippin’ Covfefe ☕
    FRIDAY, 5 JULY 2024, 10:16 AT 10:16 AM
    “Well, this might explain why this administration is so faggotty.”

    …Democrat women DO help explain Democrat “men”…

  5. After the Debate (Humiliation), the way she was yelling “He Lied, He Lied, He Lied” it is quite obvious that she is getting ANGRIER and was NEVER the sweet nurturing person that the BULLSHIT MEDIA portrays.

    I guarantee she reads that old bastard the riot act when no one is around.

  6. “and fixation with ‘size of male staffers’ endowments.’”

    In other words, he wants to fill the White House with the biggest dicks. It seems he’s succeeding.

  7. Jill is so gross and classless 🤢🤢🤮

    She ain’t got nothing on Melania 😉

    MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 2024
    That’s when we will have a real first lady 🙂

  8. “Dr” Jill aka Nurse Ratchet has Dementia Joe on lockdown and between her and Twinkle Toes Bernal is monitored and managed 24/7. The only things they don’t do is bathe, feed, administer meds. or change his diapers. That’s done by a well paid senior care staff who are sworn to secrecy or else.

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