‘…but please don’t just suck on it’ – IOTW Report

‘…but please don’t just suck on it’


Police in Frankfurt, Germany harass a man who has removed his Chinese coronavirus mask to eat an apple. Police threaten to bring the man to a safe place where he can not “endanger” others if he does not pick up his eating pace. Police now appear to be implementing a legal speed limit for eating food in public.

Watch the exclusively-translated video below:

16 Comments on ‘…but please don’t just suck on it’

  1. In Berlin it is worse so friends say. They let Moslem gangs run rampant, steal, rape , murder and beat down citizens who aren’t wearing face diapers. Frump Merkel has declared fire works illegal for the New Year because they might spread Covid. She needs to report back to her mentor Putin.


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