But will it really help? 🤣 – IOTW Report

But will it really help? 🤣

h/t Ladygun12

17 Comments on But will it really help? 🤣

  1. Nobody asked me but i confess . . . i bought acid a couple times back in the day but it felt like some really good speed. No trips or anything funky but I could party like a bitch for a day. Then i felt like crap for a couple days.

    So I know how joe feels…..

  2. …oh, please, there’s not a lot of puppies on this blog. I suspect most here are more likely to drop an ANTacid these days, and the drug of choice is more likey to be Metamucil than Mescaline…

  3. Blue microdot? Or was it purple? Can’t remember after decades and mileage.

    Taking bets on Biden sniffing President Trumps hair at the debates….if there are any.

  4. Microdot, windowpane, Mr. Natural, that orange stuff (bought at PG Community College), Berkeley Sunshine, Eight-ways … man … those were the days … if only I could remember em …

    izlamo delenda est …


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