Butt-dial Confessions: “I barely show up to work!” Says A NY court official – IOTW Report

Butt-dial Confessions: “I barely show up to work!” Says A NY court official

They told him to continue not showing up for work. They fired him.

Here’s a picture of him hiding in the woods when the news broke.

19 Comments on Butt-dial Confessions: “I barely show up to work!” Says A NY court official

  1. Is that MoFo in the fetal position? I once hired a young man that I knew from my kids was half a click off. To much Marry Jane. No ankle straps. Less than two weeks on the job he calls in sick. Claims he had morning sickness. So I ask him if he knew who the father was. I told him get his hung over ass to work or kiss his job good bye. He actually straightened out and became pretty good at his job.

  2. Brother-in-law tells a story about working on a job in the hills of Oakland, CA. Below was a big building, and at 8:00 dozens of cars pulled into the parking lot, and the drivers walked into the building. 20 minutes later everybody walked out again, hopped into their cars and drove off. It was the Oakland post office. Affirmative action hires.

  3. I always dreamed of a do nuttin’ no show, well paid job with great medical benefits, unlimited sick leave, and a huge pension.
    I never had one, but if I did I sure as hell wouldn’t brag about it
    to prying reporter. What an asshole. He’ll probably sue for his pension, and get it. That’s Civil Service in the Big Apple.

  4. “Governments everywhere are filled with people like this.”

    65% by my estimation. Federal, State, and Local.

    Of course, it’s a diminishing return – the larger the bureaucracy the greater the abuses. FedGov, CA, MA, IL, HI, MI, OR, WA, MD, NY and some others I’m sure I’ve forgotten are nothing more than make-work jobs programs for otherwise unemployable maggots.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. In “Governments” you need to add in most School Districts (and colleges).

    In our School District, one well-established employee had worked her way up to the position of the Administrator whose sole responsibility was to make the call re whether to delay or cancel classes on a snow day. On the first day we had big snow (rare), guess what happened: she called in sick and there was CHAOS since no one knew what to do that day. (true story)

  6. I’m surprised the Union’s bar is so high! If it really is, the Teachers’ Union should have the same standards and get rid of “rubber rooms.” And then there’s the Federal Govt unions.

  7. I was once a federal subcontractor for a few months in Vermont. The building I worked in was clean, had muted wall to wall carpeting, and lovely 1950’s black and white photos on the walls of federal agents at Immigration Enforcement and ICE. There was talk of a “phantom pooper” who would occasionally leave his human excrement in various corners of the building. For years it seems he went undetected, until the day (or night) he got caught. The next day I overheard another federal worker jokingly tell his office mates, “I bet he got promoted!”
    Yup. That’s government unions for you.

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