Loud Fart Erupts: John Kerry’s Speech on Climate Change Overshadowed by Audible Call to Reduce Personal Methane Contributions (VIDEO)
A loud fart sound can be heard as the former secretary of state was lecturing about the climate scam, the New York Post reported.
Swalwell, AOC, and now Kerry. Too much of that fart fakery lately. I blame FI: Fartificial Intelligence
Since nothing honest or intelligent ever came out of his front hole, just maybe the back end can redeem this miscreant.
I think the Maxi-Pad he wears acted as a muffler…
Kerry’s dumb. If he’d been on the ball, he’d have farted and then immediately looked to his right or left to cast blame on somebody else. But no. He stupidly tried to pretend it didn’t happen.
The woman next to him heard it and put her hand to her face. To stiffle a laugh? To block the stench from reaching her nose?
Bet he left a big ol carbon footprint in his drawers.
How do you tell the content from that which produces it?
Tucker Carlson, RE: Bolt-Neck Kerry (including Soros, Bloomberg, et al.) as the Anti Human Death Cult.
“Another half-demented 80-year-old yelling about things he doesn’t understand. These are our leaders. They don’t care about our future because they don’t have one of their own.”
Back and to the left.
…Pete Buttjudge would have been all over it…
The result of eat the big free steak, lobster, and Strottarga Bianco caviar.
Whoever smelt it dealt it. And “I think that you’ve had enough beans Mr. Kerry” in my best Slim Pickens voice imitation.
“Swalwell, AOC, and now Kerry.”
I’m no proctologist, nor do I play one on TV.
But it sounds like these DildoCrats are having regular sphincter straightening and enlarging therapy sessions.
But (butt) are gerbils involved.
This demonstrates how little respect he has for “we the people”.
We all fart in his general direction. And can the French mock and insult him Monty Python style. If he had been fragged in Vietnam, we would’ve never heard of this asshole.
This calls for the ultimate Dr. Demento song Shaving Cream by Benny Bell. Kerry is full of shaving cream, be nice and kean, shave every day and you’ll always be kean.
So should we call him Fart Face now instead of Horse Face?
@SNS – I’ll bet he left a big ol’ carbon FARTprint in his drawers. There, FIFY.
If he did, it’s his only accomplishment.
when i was in france with the army,…