Butterfly Scales – IOTW Report

Butterfly Scales

SmarterEveryDay SmarterEveryDay

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4 Comments on Butterfly Scales

  1. Romans 1:20

    “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”.

    And that my friends, is how this world turns.

  2. To believe in evolution is to believe that a tornado could travel through a junkyard and create a perfect air-worthy 747. It is the strongest persistent myth of our age.

  3. This is rather upsetting to me.
    It has long been my belief in life that nothing in nature creates thing in right angles, other than random crystals of salt, or snowflakes, EXCEPT man.
    Looking at these “scales”, it becomes apparent to me that nature is more diverse than I had understood.
    Name a creature/process which builds a home/universe in anything other than spherical, or more, or less than exactly 6 sides….
    Only “man” creates square houses. Only “man” builds a world around him with right angles.
    The angles being the building blocks of everything “man” does makes him unique from the “natural” universe.
    Now I have to rethink my understanding of right angles. DAMN!

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