Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath

Daily Caller: Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

He said Republicans hold everyone in line with doctrine about abortion.

” … which is obviously a tough issue for a lot of people to think through morally,” Buttigieg said. “Then again, there’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath, and so even that is something that we can interpret differently.”

He added that he’s pro-choice.

“I think, no matter what you think about the kind of cosmic question of how life begins, most Americans can get on board with the idea of, alright, I might draw the line here, you might draw the line there, but the most important thing is the person who should be drawing the line is the woman making the decision,” the South Bend mayor continued.

This is not the first time Buttigieg has spoken out about his views on abortion. He criticized pro-life Republicans on Aug. 21 at a town hall, asking what Republicans do for “unplanned parenthood.”

“They are so busy attacking Planned Parenthood,” Buttigieg said. “I’d like to know what they think of unplanned parenthood.”

Buttigieg also defended a woman’s right to late-term abortions at a Fox News town hall in May. read more

30 Comments on Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath

  1. I’m very much enjoying reading about this complete fool making up Bible stories to justify his positions. I wish he’d come to a Republican Town Hall or something and do that.

  2. Babies breathe in the womb: amniotic fluid. So, he’s wrong on that score also.

    The guy can’t get ANYTHING right. He needs to join the group of dead flies on the floor.

  3. The man who’s lifestyle choice is clearly off the Word sure tries to twist it and misuse it a lot and expects everyone to blindly accept what he says.
    Shut up and go home Pete.

  4. “Buttigieg Draws On Bible”

    See, the problem is, you ain’t supposed to draw on the Good Book. You supposed to read the mutha truckin’ thing.

    Jigga prolly haz stick figures with boners drawn all up in the margins of the book of Luke.

  5. I guess he never needs to worry about it. Women always say men have no say in their reproductive choices, so I can’t see why a turdburgler thinks his opinion matters.

  6. Buttigieg uses phony Christianity and counts on Christians not reading and not understanding the Bible.

    He’s probably right about many of them, but how large that number is is yet to be seen. Hopefully, it will motivate those calling themselves Christians to study the Bible and seek its true meaning instead of just accepting what someone with evil intent tells them about it.

    Pray for him, pray for his soul, no one is beyond salvation through Christ.

  7. Okay, Buttplug, Burnt out Bernie, Kameltoe, etc.

    Let me aks you dis…
    Would you be okay with your mother aborting you?
    None of us would miss your sorry ass, that’s for sure!

  8. he’s a simplistic, though inherently evil, pontificating buffoon.

    he thinks life begins with the first inhalation?
    probably thinks the first exhalation begins pollution.
    life begins at conception- inanimate objects (or clumps of cells, as he might say) don’t self replicate and exhibit diversification.
    follow up question for him- what is the impetus for that first inspiration? If life does not exist prior, what causes that? Try slapping a rock and see if it breathes.

  9. “You just don’t know who you are killing do you.” -Toenex

    Excellent observation. Even fathers KNOW who their children are in the womb. Mine were EXACTLY as I envisioned them. Don’t ask me how I knew.

  10. Usually Democrats are four score and square on settled science VS. religion, except when religion and settled science agree-such as life begins at conception!

  11. So Pete, lets put your thoughts to a test.
    Not until the first breath, their is life.
    Now wrapping your head in a Hefty bag for lets say, 7 minutes or so.
    What do you think now Pete?
    He really is a Democrat.

  12. Peter Peter butt hole eater. So ya know a few things about the bible now do ya? So tell me, what does the Good Book say about you taking it up the poop chute? Or, in this case, do you seek guidance from more earthly experts, like Obama?


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