Buttigieg livin’ large on the campaign trail – IOTW Report

Buttigieg livin’ large on the campaign trail

American Thinker:

So much for the urgency of the Green New Deal that Peter Buttigieg is backing. Let other people take the bus, Peter is chartering private jets like no other Democrat running for president. Bryan Slodysko reports for AP:

 Pete Buttigieg has spent roughly $300,000 on private jet travel this year, more than any other Democrat running for the White House, according to an analysis of campaign finance data.

The expenditures have enabled the South Bend, Indiana, mayor to keep up an aggressive schedule, shuttling from his campaign headquarters in his hometown to fundraisers and political events across the country. But his reliance on charter flights contrasts sharply with his image as a Rust Belt mayor who embodies frugality and Midwestern modesty.

Peter’s hardly the first candidate to push a bogus image. But it’s more than just that; the claimed urgency of global warming means that he is killing the planet for political gain – if you buy the warmist fraud. The GND tells us that we have to sacrifice our comfort, our transportation and our livelihoods because the disaster is so imminent. Anyone who really believes that would never charter a jet.

But private jets aren’t the only way Peter is livin’ large:

22 Comments on Buttigieg livin’ large on the campaign trail

  1. …sooo…he’s a Democrat?

    …living large on Government cheese while being a giant hypocrite is kind of a defining characteristic of that group…

  2. Is the gay community really this shallow?
    His main attraction is, although he is widely incompetent as a leader, he has sex with men, so they will send him money.

  3. “I’m superior to the common person and that’s why I need to be in charge. Jet travel is necessary to get elected and be in charge, therefore it’s OK to travel this way. In fact, it’s morally right that I’m in charge, therefore it’s morally right that I travel by jet. Stupid peasants, too dumb to know what’s good for them. They’re so dumb they think I’m a hypocrite.”

    The fact that we call out his hypocrisy is not a reason for him to backpedal, but proof to him of our stupidity and therefore his need to be in charge.

  4. Mr. Anth Ropy
    JULY 27, 2019 AT 8:23 AM
    “Is the gay community really this shallow?”

    …have you ever TALKED to a homosexual? They ARE this shallow. They’re perversion is SO central to their self-identification and their need for everyone to be forced to ACCEPT their perversion is SO strong, that “gay” overrides everything else.

    …this is not exclusive to homosexuals, though, as many Black people voted for Barry the Indonesian because, Black, and many women voted for Hillary ‘Butcher’ Clinton because, vagina, so it kind of serves as futher proof of how Democrats have very effectively implemented their ‘divide and conquer’ strategy by getting many people to reliably vote only within their own identity box.

    …homosexuals, however, stand apart because their actions separate them from God, and somewhere inside a convicting spirit makes sure they KNOW it. That is why they so desperately try to force approval from MAN, because God will not be mocked. They hope that by silencing the opprobrium of God’s children that they will stop hearing that what they are doing is irredeemably WRONG, and they need to STOP for the sake of their OWN souls.

    …this doesn’t work. They can shut MAN up, but GOD keeps right on convicting, because HE hasn’t given up on THEM, and hopes THEY yet turn from evil TO him.

    …which is really all that Christians who speak against their sins are trying to do. It is out of love of God and love of the homosexual as His lost child that Christians try to turn them from sin, that God may have as many of His children return to Him as possible.

    …and that makes the ones most steeped in their sin even MORE angry, so they vote for a fellow sinner in the hopes that HE will shut those voices up FOR them, and off we go again…

  5. Buttplug comes into money (more than he could EVER embezzle/misappropriate in a shithole like Gary, IN!), Buttplug spends like a drunken sailor, Buttplug says, “Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Sailor…” and…


  6. Nigga rich sounds like a lot of big time lottery winners who when suddenly finding themselves rich end up worse than if they’d never won the lottery. They tend to spend it all as fast as they can till they go broke, not all but a lot of lottery winners do.

  7. I wonder how this presidential bid initiated? The love birds woke up one morning and Mr Bootygig said to his little Peter, ‘Hey sweet cheeks… what do you want to do today?’ Pete replies, ‘Well, man of steel, I thought I’d run for President of the United States!’

    ‘FABULOUS!!!!’ they both exclaimed and the excitement of the moment found Pete back on all fours accepting a delivery in the rear. Then they went shopping.

  8. … to your ‘lottery winner’ point, @geoff the aardvark, I once had an ACTUAL lottery winner, a White guy if it matters, that lived in my district while I was running squad. The only reason I know about this guy, is that the first thing he did what he want his Lottery was to go out and buy the biggest, fastest, most powerful car he could possibly find.

    The next thing he did was wreck it spectacularly.

    HE made it, but one of his legs did NOT.

    …he went on to use that leg to beat his back door neighbor with during one of their legendary disputes,and so got it taken away as a weapon on at least one occasion, but that’s a different story for another day…

    … the point is, that you are who you are. Sudden riches, whether they come to some guy with a racecar fantasy or some guy with a political fantasy, do NOT make you a better person.

    They just make the flaws stand out better, and enable you to do more damage quicker.

    … there is ample evidence the bad things happen when people suddenly get vast wealth and sudden faint with both being honored. Simply search the cast of “The Smoking Gun” series to see how THAT works. Most of them were child stars and Buttboy never made it past an adolecent mindset, so the comparison is legit.

    … at least somebody wanted to watch those child stars and pay for the privilege at one time.
    I don’t know anybody outside of the perv community that wants to watch that Buttmunch fellow, and his poll numbers SHOW it…


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