Buttigieg Says He Would Not Execute 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Says He Would Not Execute 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Buttigieg, who supports abortion up until the moment of birth, said “killing somebody who is defenseless” cannot be justified.

18 Comments on Buttigieg Says He Would Not Execute 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

  1. If killing someone defenseless cannot be justified, what is his justification for absolving a murderous terrorist?

    Put down the penis, Gigglybutt, it has you spouting constant stupidity.

  2. Speaking of people who are defenseless, do you mean the nearly three thousand Americans in the towers? This cretin should be subject to the most horrid death possible!

  3. Buttigieg, who supports abortion up until the moment of birth, said “killing somebody who is defenseless” cannot be justified.

    By this “thinking”, it’s unjustifiable to abort little babies unless, some time before they’re born, they’re given sub-sub-sub-compact 9mm pistols.

    Hmm. Maybe .9mm pistols.

  4. Clueless dip shit does not have the intellect to serve as president. He wouldn’t make Mohammad pay for his crimes but Mohammad would throw buttgiggle off the tallest roof in town just for being a faggot.

  5. I want to see the books on his run for the nomination. Some young cub reporter could have a Pulitzer thrust into his hands for doing even a little bit of work on the finances of the members of the clown car.


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