Buttigieg Says He’ll Go to ‘Backyard of Senators’ Who Defy ‘My White House’ – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Says He’ll Go to ‘Backyard of Senators’ Who Defy ‘My White House’

(CNSNews.com) – A president cannot deliver on his promises unless Congress passes legislation, 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg told a CNN-sponsored town hall Thursday night.

And to force passage of legislation he favors, Buttigieg said he will fly to the backyards of senators who oppose the legislation he wants to pass:

And so to me, the best use of that big blue-and-white airplane that comes with the Oval Office that the president uses mostly for the purpose of traveling among golf courses with his name on them — I don’t even golf so that’s not going to be how I use that airplane.

I’m going to use that airplane to go directly into the backyard of senators who are not just defying my White House but defying their own voters, their own constituents, and require them to explain to the people who sent them to Washington why they refuse to enact the basic legislation that meets the expectation of their own voters.

Host Chris Cuomo followed up:  “You will go to state constituencies when you have an issue situation and campaign for it right there where they’re from?” MORE

31 Comments on Buttigieg Says He’ll Go to ‘Backyard of Senators’ Who Defy ‘My White House’

  1. I think he meant to say Big Brother will be going into their backyards – and into their homes, and into their bedrooms, and their bank accounts and their emails, and…

  2. HungJumper
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 12:36 PM

    “If you listen they’ll always tell you who they are.”

    …”Listening carefully to the teacher, one acquires an education.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune Messiah”

  3. “I’m going to use that airplane to go directly into the backyard of senators…”
    -A Homosexual

    …sorry, I’m not “up” on my gay metaphors, and I don’t want to AOC it. I can figure out “go directly into the backyard of senators” from THIS guy, but is “airplane” a sex toy brand or sodomizing technique or something?

    …it doesn’t make sense any other way…

    …he seems to think himself a big, hard man. Unfortunately for HIM, I believe President Trump has an industrial sized saltpeter salt shaker to deal with these kinds of pricks…

  4. Hasn’t won dick. Well, maybe dick. But already plotting the abuse of his power to meddle in other people’s elections.

    I know measuring the drapes is his hobby but this is still too early.

  5. The Senate is “supposed” to represent the Several States.
    The House “represents” the individual voters.

    I know the 17th Amendment fucked that all up, but the sub-structure remains.
    Somebody needs to loan this Howdy-Doody/Alfred E. Newman Butterbutt a copy of the Constitution.

    So, have the Air Force 1 guys fly you to the various fag bathhouses they used to take Barry to – between golfing expeditions – if you get elected (I don’t think there’s that much fraud on Earth, but I have been wrong).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Is that counter hopping doofus, the Asshole from El Paso, Beto O’ Rourke, advising that smug, deviant homosexualist, former mayor Poncy Pete, from South Bend again? There has to be some explanation for Indiana’s most successful, really small town former mayor getting totalitarian before he trounces Trump. This won’t work until he gets that Electoral College thingy fixed.

  7. Oh please, I do not listen to homosexuals who are either A) too stupid to understand how the sex organs function and their obvious purpose (i.e. reproduction) or B) too evil, sinful, sick, depraved, hedonistic, and selfish to act normal.

    They CHOOSE everyday to be degenerates. No one has to act on their base temptations.

    So everything they say is suspect, but I take tyrants at their word.

  8. Anonymous
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 1:03 PM
    “A mediocre mayor of a small town, whose only resume feature is being a gay leftist.


    …and he’s taken SERIOUSLY by half our countrymen.

    DOUBLE ugh…

  9. Evidently, Obama didn’t return the pen and the phone, thus necessitating President Mayor’s Air Farce One jaunts to hector Senators personally, in their backyards, while the Senators are in DC.

  10. “A mediocre mayor of a small town, whose only resume feature is being a gay leftist.”

    I follow this guy on Instagram. Great entertainment. His followers are under the opinion that a Gay man is the only thing that can save the world. Regardless of his inherent IQ.
    He will get zero black or Hispanic vote. He has NO chance. Sure would be fun watching him trying to debate Trump though.

  11. I know I sound like a broken record but everytime one of these dorks opens their mouth a Trump campaign ad springs out.

    Have Buttigeig on part of the screen (or a transcript of his remarks) about Trump using it to visits golf course and on the other half have a scrolling list of flights he took to disaster areas, international meetings, peace negotiations, surprise visits to the troops on holidays etc etc. Finishing with tagline asking “What else has Pete lied about?”.

  12. I fail to see how Bootipeg thought that this was a stable, rational thing to say or suggest.
    Because it just makes him seem like a crazy, emotionally fucked gay man with a Napolean complex.

  13. Mayor Perv’s lawlessness is a typical aspect of deviant behavior. Even his terminology, suggests an obsession with perversion. We don’t need another “gay” president. Barry was quite enough. He almost destroyed this country.


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