Buttigieg Staffer Attended Anti-Semitic Farrakhan Sermon – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Staffer Attended Anti-Semitic Farrakhan Sermon


Deven Anderson, who recently joined Pete Buttigieg’s (D.) presidential campaign as a regional organizing director in Columbia, S.C., has a history of praising anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and attended a sermon where Farrakhan said “You can walk with a Jew, but you can’t walk with me.”

Between April 2010 and August 2013, Anderson tweeted more than 20 times about Farrakhan, praising his sermons and tweeting out quotes. Two days before Farrakhan spoke at Union Temple Baptist on April 25, 2010, in southeast Washington, D.C., Anderson tweeted about planning to attend the sermon. read more

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