Buttigieg takes the Hillary route – IOTW Report

Buttigieg takes the Hillary route

Patriot Retort: Clearly the Democrats learned absolutely nothing from Hillary Clinton’s disastrous “Basket of Deplorables” comment.

Two and a half years later and these guys still believe the way to win over voters is to insult them.

The latest candidate trying to out-deplorable Hillary is the Mayor of high crime South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg.

On NBC’s Meet the Press, Buttigieg decried the unbelievable hypocrisy of Christians who support President Donald Trump.

From Breitbart:

“It’s something that frustrates me because the hypocrisy is unbelievable. Here you have somebody that not only acts in a way that’s not consistent with anything I hear in scripture or church where it is about lifting up the least among us and taking care of strangers which is another word for immigrants, and making sure that you are focusing your efforts on the poor. Also personally how you’re supposed to conduct yourself, not chest pumping look at me-ism but humbling yourself among others. Foot washing is a central image in the New Testament. We see the diametric opposite of that in this presidency.”

Ah, yes.  I want a president to wash my feet.  That’s just the ticket!

In fact, I became a Christian because of all that foot-washing in the Bible.

It had nothing to do with the Word becoming flesh and dying for my sins; it was the ubiquitous image of foot-washing.  Good take, Pete!

But what Pete fails to acknowledge is because of President Trump, “the least of us” are enjoying economic prosperity unlike any we’ve seen in decades.  Do you think they are pissed because Trump isn’t also washing their feet?  more


SNIP: Whoever is doing Buttigieg’s eyebrows, please stop it.  Thanks.

34 Comments on Buttigieg takes the Hillary route

  1. Right. Let’s take behavioral advice from a Rectum-Sex Enthusiast who is married to a man, which makes him the first wife of a homosexualist to run for the nomination of a major political party. The fact that he is even considered a viable candidate says more about the current state of the Socialist-Demographic-Reparations Party than the Deplorables who rejected President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  2. I think it was a calculated risk. When the Right goes crazy because some faggot communist is lecturing them on Christian values, Mayor Buttplug scores victim points. Because he’s a faggot communist.

  3. Pete Buttface actually believes he has piety on his side Because he is gay and God created him. What he forgets, or doesn’t know, is that God gave man “free will”. It was that “free will” that GayPete used to choose being gay. So in essence, God didn’t make Pete gay anymore than God made a liar, lie or a hunter, hunt or a artist, paint.

    Pete Fartknocker wants to use God as a distraction, or smoke screen, to cover his chosen homosexuality lifestyle. He likes penis (in his mouth and ass) and for him, that is “normal sexuality” and you better accept it, or else. This way he can use Christian religion against itself. He is much like an Islamist using our own laws against us while we criticize Islamic law for stoning women and lopping off limbs for crimes against Allah.

  4. *sigh*

    “24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

    25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”

    Romans 1:24-27

  5. *sigh again*

    “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”

    1 Corinthians 6:9

  6. Wow! Whoever was manning Ellis island when this guys ancestors came through was asleep at the switch.


    Dick Buttkisses ancestors I get, that ish’ is funny. “Buttigieg” though…. pronounced “Buttgigi?” “Buttgig?” “Buttgage?”

    “Buttgage” seems like the most likely outcome when scrawling an immigrants new name on the cardboard tag around their necks.

  7. I proudly, as a Catholic, voted for a MAN (flawed) to be president not the next leader (also flawed btw) of my local church!

    (yeah I know we don’t vote in church…for our leaders)

  8. Because of PDJT, Christian churches feel free to practice their religion and are not worried about a Houston mayor demanding to see their sermons (hmmm, she was gay too wasn’t she?).

    Shut up and sit down and quit telling me about my God and my relationship with my God.

  9. Considering all of his nonsensical pontificating about Trump and Christianity, maybe his nickname should be “Buttinski.”

    (I’m sick of him already.)

  10. @Top Jimmy – you might have just broken the internet with that one!

    To add, if I may, who the EFF is the media (I know redundant) to go along with this questioning of anothers faith (which the media has none) BECAUSE WE WERE NOT allowed to criticize a ‘person’ who grows up culturally moslem for their entire childhood years??? Sick.

    The left told us, like messing around with interns, that religion has really nothing to do with holding public office correct??

    Did we see pics of the obamas going to church?

    No because IF they DID the media would have pushed them like a drug dealer pushes their DRUG.

  11. So you’ve taken my route, Peto. Good for you. Don’t let these animals here get to you. But do keep in mind there will be stairs. Don’t take them lightly. And for gob’s sake, don’t skitter down the stairs with your limp wrists flopping like Obama. What a goddam, mincing fruit he is. No offense, Peto. You know what I mean, right?

  12. No Christian said grabbing pussy is ok. they voted for trump in spite of that.

    mayor butt plug and his minions, on the other hand, tell us that their queer lifestyle is something to be celebrated.

    he’s just a faggot that is rewriting the bible in his own image.

    The US constitution is a document filled with negative rights.

    the communist faggots on the left ignore the negative rights that the people of american are supposed to be entitled to and make up these positive rights and claim the gov’t is supposed to provide them.

    Butt boy rewrites both the bible and the constitution.

  13. For a guy with dicks falling out of his ass, he’s awfully judgy.

    Attacking Trump’s religion, or lack thereof. Unprovoked attacking Pence, though I do not recall Pence ever even mentioning him.

    But Buttgouge is from this ultra liberal wing of Outer Espiscopalia where Jesus was a buttfucking commie community organizer who proselytized to right wing nazis in between speeches where he basically just quoted David Corn articles from Mother Jones in a condescending, sarcastic voice.

  14. I want to vote to secede/excise the three most Northwestern counties (containing South Bend and Gary) out of Indiana and give them to either Illinois or Michigan – I don’t care which.


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