Buttigieg’s Not Their Type – IOTW Report

Buttigieg’s Not Their Type


Why Pete Buttigieg Enrages the Young Left.

From politico: As the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries draw near and South Bend’s boy wonder, Pete Buttigieg, seems buoyant in the all-important early-state polls, “Mayor Pete” has been perpetually dogged by a major issue: the youngest and most activated voters in his party all seem to—how to put this delicately?—hate his guts.

Normally the first candidate of a generation can expect to ride a wave of youth enthusiasm, as John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton once did. For the 37-year-old Buttigieg, it’s been quite the opposite. The newly radicalized Teen Vogue invoked a cringeworthy class-warfare pun to declare his campaign a “Lesson in ‘Petey’ Bourgeois Politics.” Jacobin, tribune of the socialist wing of the Democratic Party, has developed seemingly an entire vertical focused on slamming Mayor Pete. A writer for Out magazine, putting it in starker terms, tweeted that if he “had balls he’d run as the republican he is against trump in the primary.”

Why is the enmity from young, left-wing activists toward Buttigieg so visceral? It’s true that they favor Bernie Sanders, but Buttigieg comes in for a type of loathing that surpasses even that they hold for Sanders’ older rivals, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. MORE

17 Comments on Buttigieg’s Not Their Type

  1. Recognizing the fact that I appear to be in a Particularly snarky mood this evening, I will make no fudge packing/cock gargling comments about the poofter who will never be President of the United States of America.

  2. Why Pete Buttigieg Enrages the Young Left –

    I don’t believe it has anything to do with Left/Right, young or old. The fact of the matter is that about 97.5% of the country is straight and that most of them find homosexual practices abhorrent.
    It’s just that simple.

  3. America is tired of the gay schtick, the lesbian schtick, the feminist schitck, the michelle obama racist piggery schtick, etc.

    America has shown it wanted an alpha males, not alphalfa.

  4. @Anonymous January 4, 2020 at 10:25 pm

    > America has shown it wanted an alpha males, not alphalfa.

    America has shown that it wants The United States to put it out of its misery. “Praise the Lord, and pass the OxyContin.”

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