BuzzFeed Confirms It Knew About Ali Watkins’ Relationship With Indicted Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Leaker – IOTW Report

BuzzFeed Confirms It Knew About Ali Watkins’ Relationship With Indicted Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Leaker

DC: Questions remain over whether BuzzFeed News acted ethically with a former employee, Ali Watkins, who had a romantic relationship with an indicted former security director for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Watkins told her BuzzFeed editors about her relationship with the individual, James Wolfe, who the Department of Justice has charged with lying to investigators during a leak probe, according to The New York Times, where Watkins now works as a national security reporter.

BuzzFeed Editor-In-Chief Ben Smith said he would “not comment at all on a reporter’s sources in the middle of an unjustifiable leak hunt” when The Daily Caller News Foundation asked about the extent the organization knew about Watkins’ behavior to corroborate The Times’ reporting.

“I am baffled that the FBI and Justice Department are going to these dangerous lengths over a story that points to public court documents that describe Russian spies approaching a Trump adviser, who himself is quoted confirming his role in the episode. I’d like to know why that should be secret,” Smith added.

Later, a BuzzFeed spokesman told TheDCNF that the company does not dispute The Times’ reporting on Wolfe’s indictment, meaning that at least some BuzzFeed editors were aware of Watkins’ relationship with the Senate Intelligence aide.

It was never disclosed in any of the pieces Watkins wrote for BuzzFeed that she had a conflict of interest with an individual that provided her with information. If her editors knew about this relationship, it remains unclear why they did not make this known to readers or prohibit her from covering the Senate Intelligence committee.   read more

6 Comments on BuzzFeed Confirms It Knew About Ali Watkins’ Relationship With Indicted Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Leaker

  1. Some words are meant to be eaten. Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith might regret his involvement in this violation of multiple Federal Statutes regarding the unauthorized dissemination of Secret and Top Secret intelligence documents. Hopefully, Smith is about to realize that he isn’t Hillary Clinton or Huma Danger and that James Comey isn’t around to provide cover for his illegal behavior.

  2. How high up the food chain does one have to be before The two tiered judicial system will save you?

    It appears James Wolfe will see where he fits into the deep state establishment fairly quickly.

  3. Question: What do the following have in common?

    Hollywood California
    The Clinton Foundation
    The Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Chicago Bath Houses
    Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolitta Express
    The Main Stream Media

    Answer: they are all places where the ability to suck a tennis ball through a garden hose will make you a star.


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