BuzzFeed Could Be In Legal Trouble For Publishing Trump Doc – IOTW Report

BuzzFeed Could Be In Legal Trouble For Publishing Trump Doc

DailyCaller: While BuzzFeed weathers criticism for publishing a document cache containing unsubstantiated and scandalous allegations about President-elect Donald Trump and his confidantes, they also could face legal consequences.

The organization elected to publish a 35-page dossier claiming Russian operatives had compromising personal and financial information about the president-elect and others in his orbit. The documents were compiled by a former British intelligence officer working for a private intelligence firm in London at the behest of Trump’s political opponents. They were later shared with Democratic political operatives and members of Congress.

If the salacious allegations in the document cache prove false, an individual named in the documents may have cause to bring a libel lawsuit against BuzzFeed.

Though the prospect of a sitting president bringing a civil suit against a media organization seems far-fetched, Trump aides outside the administration who are implicated in the documents could move forward with their own actions. Michael Cohen, counsel for the Trump Organization and an individual named in the documents, is a likely candidate in this regard.   more

15 Comments on BuzzFeed Could Be In Legal Trouble For Publishing Trump Doc

  1. Sue them and give the proceeds to a worthy cause. They aren’t going to stop their BS unless their is a steep financial price to pay. Humiliation doesn’t register with them.

  2. One of the other insiders needs to sue (or all of them with the exception of Trump) and put this to bed along with BuzzFeed. That arrogant Ben Smith needs to see his decision destroy this site. It’s major shareholders are a who’s who of the left including NBC/Universal. They have really deep pockets and as shareholders could be liable as well.

  3. Just out of curiousity, I watched about 2 minutes of lying Brian Williams on MSLSD. He was being all smug and outraged at Trump for calling CNN fake news. What an asshole! The leftist press is having a meltdown. Ridicule and marginalize these jerkoffs every chance you get. They are losing their propaganda war against us, and they shouldn’t have the chance to regroup.

  4. I saw the interview last night with Trump lawyer Micheal Cohen. He was so fascinating to watch I can’t even remember whose show he was on! With his untouched New Yawk accent and the deep impression (not likely an act) that he carries both a gun and brass knuckles, he had that shocking Trump habit of saying what was on his mind — in plain english. And he said that he and “others” are so loyal to their employer that they will do anything to protect him. No nuance, no pastel shading of meaning. The guys at Buzzfeed will be lucky if *all* they get is a lawsuit. I can’t find the video, but it would have either been on Dobbs or Hannity last night. He definitely came across as a family lawyer, if you take my meaning.

  5. Sue them all, corporately and personally.

    Bankrupt them like Gawker.

    They want a coup?
    They want a war?

    No quarter.
    No prisoners.
    The Dread Pirate Roberts leaves no survivors.

    The Left must be eradicated.
    Totally eradicated.


  6. I hope Trump FCCs their asses next week.

    Wouldn’t that be tragic?

    The Obamanite weaponized the federal government.
    They didn’t realize Trump would win. Guess what?

  7. So, what about that fake birth certificate. Ben just said a lot of crazy people keep on about it as if he was quoting a solid gold bible that the BC was real. What happened with the “layers of photoshop/acrobat that were so bad it was worse than the memogate”? Can we now form a class-action suit for labeling an entire segment of the population as crazy? Can we submit the “Officially released BC” as evidence item #1 in our defense?

  8. Just declare BuzzFeed a “domestic terrorist organization” as Obola did the “right-wing militias” and have the FBI murder them, as Obola did LaVoy Finicum.

    Presto-Chango! Problem solved!
    And all done in the name of “National Security!”

    izlamo delenda est …

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